Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I think tho people secretly enjoyed the vintners federation getting rode, hence the lack of ā€œ,outrageā€ , a horrible shower of cunts

@Bandage has a far different online persona.


tell him to man up ffs.
does he genuinely believe he might die because heā€™s fat?

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I think so yeah. Heā€™s obese in fairness, a real big guy.

Its a chicken and the egg thing. Heā€™s worried heā€™ll die cos heā€™s fat. Heā€™ll die because he wont get out and do something about it. However, this proverb will do nothing for him because is heā€™d only come out of it wanting to ate both the chicken and the egg at the same time.

It canā€™t be easy for him eitherā€¦ Does he get out at all for walks? You need to tell him to use this time to achieve something positive. He can sit at home giving out or he can do something positiveā€¦he is in control of his own mental health, not the government or restrictions.

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In fairness he was very active pre-restrictions. Big GAA man. Iā€™ll have to give him another call this week.

Be there for each other guys :+1: :+1: :+1:

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@Batigol @Tim_Rigginsā€¦ Sorry if this has been done already but I just read there that Sweden had its highest number of deaths in 150 yearsā€¦ Ireland has had its lowest. One had no lockdown and the other had ā€¦ Whatā€™s the story here?

Doā€¦ Persist ā€¦ Even plant a few seeds via text.

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Weā€™re not actually as bad as that for a lot of the things he said. Weā€™ll be pretty much all vaccinated by summer, things are looking up.

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Mucho gusto.

My Duolingo Spanish is getting better and better.

De nada

Where did you read that?


Is it right? I did a quick Google and only saw that it was true for the first 6 months of 2020ā€¦ Tho I also saw Sweden had an awful November.

Muy bien.

Fuck off. I had a pain in my hole listening to you.


Yo quiero pagar la Cuenta

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Iā€™ve no idea. Should every country not be having itā€™s worst year?


La cuenta, por favor

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What are they in hospital with now?