Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Which Iā€™d agree with. With Sweden having a significantly older population than here for example.

Overall score keeping will have to wait until this is done and dusted & months beyond that for other excess deaths impacted by restrictions. The very fact that you have scorekeeping with other countries suggests is noteworthy in itself.

The point on Sweden was always not to be hung up on March 2020, even if you thought it was the wrong decision. Most countries have tried to follow them on schools for example. For sustainable restrictions they would be closer to what Iā€™d advocate, but I would never have agreed with their lack of interest in contact tracing. I do not think Zero Covid or locking down for months on end were anyway sustainable.


He was a great man to quote the constitution around repossessions and that as well. It was all nonsense unfortunately

ah with you now, thankfully i rarely dip into this cesspit of a thread,

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Do you have a link for that? Not disputing it but would like to read it if itā€™s an article

One of the few countries in Europe that are ā€œdoing wellā€ our Finland, who did not have a full lockdown and were closer to Sweden 1.0.

Is that Ben Gilroy beside her?

His knowledge is questionable, he had a great start but like his hero The Don called a Swedish vctory too early. Heā€™s like a Japanese POW at this stage.

I wouldnā€™t be an expert but Irelandā€™s fatalities in January were because we opened up for a few hours for the Christmas. Sweden did the opposite for the Christmas, their own PM told them to stay the fuck at home, we went and partied.

Noā€¦ Thatā€™s why I asked the lads here as I know theyā€™ve been keeping tabs.

Where did you read it?


I know itā€™s difficult, hold firm, supress this deadly virus, 1,000 people dead, 6 more weeks, a line from a poem. The end.


I canā€™t and wonā€™t say or Iā€™ll face a backlash of severe bullying that may lead me to resign from the forum.

Finland closed their borders.

This is factually incorrect. Trump directly criticised Sweden.

This is circular logic. Lots of countries are locked down so it must work! Eh no. Thereā€™s countless examples of lots of countries doing things that donā€™t work.

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This reply :grinning:

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Courage , difficult, sacrifices ā€¦coopla focal.

You can imagine the likes of @carryharry tut-tutting at Rosa Parks breaking laws clearly designed for her own well-being.


Not closed, they have had restrictions. As did Sweden at points. Whatā€™s your point caller? You are obsessed with March 2020 but donā€™t seem even understand what has happened in various countries.