Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

It’ll be like the flu vaccine. Flu kills as many people as COVID some years and makes shit of the health service despite having a vaccine but no one ever gives a fuck.

COVID will be like that in a few years

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It’s what should have been done this time. It was madness once it was confirmed to allow travel between infected areas all across the world to spread it.

I’d agree that supply is neither the issue or constraint.

Ireland is already lagging behind the rest of Europe.

Just sit there with the window closed starring at them

Tony and luke aren’t going to take any chances. The vaccine stats will look a lot better on a summer’s day

It was “racist” to stop flights from China when Trump did it.

It has struck me that checkpoints are an unnecessary social interaction and as possible a way of spreading the disease as going to a shop

They are also just generally unnecessary since they never stop anyone. The only people they keep at home are people who would stay at home because they were asked to anyway. People who don’t mind ignoring recommendations have no problem lying to the guards. Not that they even ask anyway

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That could get you shot

What’ll happen next year if the hospitals can’t deal with the winter flu? Will they push for another lock down?

It’s the only logical conclusion…but no doubt they’ll have implemented a wide range of measures designed to combat such an event…yearly vaccines among them

What do you think yourself?

Tuam by far the highest

I am moving to the wilds of Leenane until this whole thing blows over

Tuam, Rathkeale, Newcastlewest…


They are rookie numbers