Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

On this I heard of people had symptoms, tested negative, tested again 5 days later and were suddenly positive :man_shrugging:

Was also told anecdotaly you will not be taken into UHG right now unless you are not breathing.

My analysis the other day was absolutely bang on.


These lads have both had symptoms about a week. Obviously either an issue with the tests or some other bug going around

The harp bar, ballyphehane


98 days!!


They had their fun etc. …

Sinn Fein/Donnacha O’Laoighre heartland.

Shur what’s the point in going in there if you’re not breathing for fuck sake

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27,287 times 150

Good news? The lidtf crowd are livid

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I read there, on the internet, that once you get the vaccine you’ll test positive for covid.

Where are you getting €150 from you mad man. Get out of the wormhole


Shur you know yourself, if there’s work on the bed, they’ll sleep on the floor

Childcare ?

If it is childcare they should change Covid to Lockdown.

8248 cases, 20 deaths

Fucking hell