Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

In Poland?

The internet and the radio. The 150 doesn’t include test centres and staff…the lads standing round yarning with @anon67715551 and helping him jump start his 405

They are saying the South African strain is here

Irlandia. I think we had about 8000 cases today. Poland’s 14 day rate is about 300.

According to the Johns Hopkins site, Poland had 14,216 cases yesterday and 553 deaths. Not sure if today’s numbers are compete, but the current number is 12,054 cases and 186 deaths.

How lovely of them to accommodate travel from South Africa. Fucking wankers. Anyone that thinks zero covid could be achieved here is seriously deluded.

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12054 was yesterday’s number ( for Jan 6th). Today’s number was 8790 and 332 deaths (for jan 7th). Source onet.

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Ye just need to lock down harder and make more banana bread.

Good to see trend is in right direction (I think?).

Fucking Mick’s and their drink

A couple of decades and a number out Bud. I gave a lad £200 once for a cracking 505 with only one headlight. The car itself was a belter, everything spot on apart from the entire light casing. A lad tapped my shoulder one day at the Mart and says C’mere…
In the boot of his equally valuable chariot was the full Monty for the 505.
Gimme a score says he and I’ll stand you a drink in John James’s. The £20 evaporated in the course of a convivial evening and the light worked the finest.
I won’t have a word said against the 505.


That’s the one, I remember you making an awful job of parking the brute in between 2 buses outside the woman’s toilets in knock. An estate, a dull grey sort of navy colour…



Ah, Knock. I was dragged there one Sunday when I was about 10. I made a solemn promise to God and to myself that evening that I’d never again set foot in the place. I’ve kept to it.


A cracker of a motor, comfort, power, reliable and not overly thirsty. Good times.

A beautiful tank of a car. Design ahead of its time.


Is that a variant which the plethora of vaccines can’t combat?