Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Iā€™m not watching that video, but id imagine if he was as busy as lads are suggesting he wouldnt be talking about it on twitter.

Was he one of the nurses dancing previously?


Grow up you child.

He should just say fuck tony and luke and give them all invermectin

Sad bastard and child. The insults keep on coming.

If the shoe fits.

Yes. And the fact he is on call for ICU when he is a gastro consultant tells its own story. It is all hands on deck

Itā€™s virtue signalling nonsense to rack up the clicks. Imagine a person being worried about people getting sick. Groundbreaking.

Just letting people know - again - he works in a hospital. Heā€™s even on call, you know!

If he spends half as much time with patients as he does on Twitter heā€™d be up at Mother Teresaā€™s level.


Imagine that big gomey face coming at you and you not well. No amount of masks or bedside manner would take the bad look off him


It doesnā€™t tell any story other than he is on call.

In the last hour he has made seven tweets and a few retweets. He was probably on the radio today and heā€™ll probably be on the radio tomorrow.


A lug

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I suppose heā€™s trying to make the point that he sees it as a really serious situation. Life and death serious he claims. Heā€™s flat out on twitter so he knows a lot of people think itā€™s over exaggerated and people are panicking over nothing. Youā€™d at least have to accept heā€™s an informed voice on the situation even if you dont agree with him or like him personally.


Not to downplay the situation but I suppose youā€™d see a fair few life and death situations in ICU. . The nurses are probably well used to it.

If I was being flippant Iā€™d make a quip about the irony of a gastroenterologist feeling sick of it etc.

I know but even if his style is annoying heā€™s literally working on the front line while weā€™re all talking scutter online. If someone like him didnā€™t at least make a person pause for a second to re evaluate what they think about this whole situation then they are simply an ignorant cunt. I know thatā€™s not you but Iā€™d say thereā€™s a few here would fit the bill. Over confidence is an awful curse.


I agree, but I wouldnā€™t be too sore on anyone for a bit of defiant laughter.
'The Good Soldier Sveck ā€™ is a magnificent book. Ot didnā€™t make light of Ww1ā€¦or 2ā€¦whatever

It was never finished

I know, the treaty of Versailles just put it on hold.

A journalist is an excellent choice as advisor in the middle of a health crisis.

Sometimes I think itā€™s all about spin with these guys.


Heā€™s replacing another ex journalist is he not?

Gotta keep the journalists in coin, they could turn on you otherwise