Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

That was always the understanding mate,

Whats your view on the schools being closed?

I was selfishly hoping they’d open, I’m a bit of an optimist
It’s something I have no control over, and I don’t have the specific knowledge to have a strong opinion


Well no - the NZ dream of no cases was pushed hard until recently and if “low levels” was their main aim then they may have slightly over-reached on the strategy name-choice

Genuinely, the Zero COVID strategy as envisaged in the Irish context was never about completely eradicating the virus, it was always assumed that there would be some COVID on the island

Poor naming alright

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In that case, isn’t that with the general NPHET/Gov strategy or aim is ie very low levels that can be tracked and traced. Why are these lads on every news program etc

We more or less achieved them very low levels for about 3 months yet we still only got 3 weeks of pints.

He’s an annoying cork man.


Hard to take him seriously

A great Cork man

Very Cork

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The most cork person ever after @backinatracksuit


Yep. Successful, confident and an all round legend

A great Corkman is a hell of an achievement

On mute on the twitter

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Sad bastard.

Your probably one of them lads who has been brainwashed by the wife that pints are bad.

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no idea who this chap is but many jobs require on call support especially engineering startups and yeah at times our professions present us with very challenging situations
what is his point here? , im assuming he is paid well for his job in ICU? and yep on call at weekends can be stressful - we get it.

I would imagine his issue is with over 100 people in ICU with Covid - and his situation as a microcosm of that. People on the cusp of death. A bit far away from an engineering gig I would suspect.

Not sure why he feels the need that he should be the one to share it on social media but that’s a moot point.