Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Seriously fellas, the roadmap is there whether you like it or not, there is nothing that will speed it up now, it can only be delayed, the open it up to fuck brigade are wasting their time, I suppose the couple of likes here every time is worth the effort of typing it


Open it up to fuck


I disagree actually I can see the road map being sped up if anything. All wumming aside I genuinely feel the back is broken on this thing.

They stated straight away that things can be brought forward as well as pushed back depending on the progress.

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288 In the UK. Its over lads, we have done it

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Pubs open no restrictions. Hand shaking and follies to be passed around on July 19th, in line with Galway being liberated from Indians, ice age ending and marathon becoming snickers

The Curtain twitchers have raised the white flag

Is it just healthcare staff and nursing homes that are the cause of 300 new cases a day? Should it not be far lower at this stage.

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It’s everywhere and people have it & don’t know. Until we all have been tested it’s restrictions and who can blame authorities for that.

People dont die of Covid19 at the weekend. Another mystery of virus.

Lock down had no effect at all on our daily cases.

Proof… or spoof?

Suicidal to be opening it up then. It’ll just be closed down again sharpish.


There is a two day lag on the more detailed data.

As of midnight, Saturday 2 May (21,437 cases), reveals:

  • 58% are female and 42% are male
  • the median age of confirmed cases is 49 years
  • 2,840 cases (13%) have been hospitalised
  • of those hospitalised, 364 cases have been admitted to ICU
  • 6,211 cases are associated with healthcare workers
  • Dublin has the highest number of cases at 10,561 (49% of all cases) followed by Kildare with 1,268 cases (6%) and then Cork with 1,175 cases (6%)
  • of those for whom transmission status is known: community transmission accounts for 63%, close contact accounts for 34%, travel abroad accounts for 3%

As of midnight, Friday 1 May (21,064 cases), reveals:

  • 58% are female and 42% are male
  • the median age of confirmed cases is 49 years
  • 2,825 cases (13%) have been hospitalised
  • of those hospitalised, 363 cases have been admitted to ICU
  • 6,068 cases are associated with healthcare workers
  • Dublin has the highest number of cases at 10,406 (49% of all cases) followed by Kildare with 1,242 cases (6%) and then Cork with 1,164 cases (6%)
  • of those for whom transmission status is known: community transmission accounts for 63%, close contact accounts for 34%, travel abroad accounts for 3%

There was a difference of 373 cases in the more detailed report between midnight Friday and midnight on Saturday.

Of those 373 cases, 143 were associated with healthcare workers. Approx 38%

You treacherous bastard.


Don’t make this harder than it has to be Carter… Sign yourself and the family into the traitors to ireland thread…


Isn’t this guy one of the horsey crowd?


Not cool

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He had a horse as his avatar up to recently enough. Tried to hide in plain sight.

A traitor to Ireland if ever there was one.