Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

More wishy washy shite. They need to make it clear that you must isolate, if leave it up to people they will day fuck that and off they go.

But sure the whole approach to international travel has been wishy washy. You can go but you shouldn’t go and you should isolate if you come back but you don’t have to.


I’m surprised the Police’s classic hit “Dont stand so close to me” hasn’t made it back to the top of the charts. Real opportunity missed.

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I can try make it happen if you wish.

cc @Thomas_Brady @Mac @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @Julio_Geordio


It’s a real comfort in these times to see such strong leadership from this government.


Some yank from a disease riddled state arrives in with return ticket for 2 weeks time. Paddy at border control ‘You have to isolate for two weeks’. Slack jaw ‘Sure thang’.

Just taking a snapshot on the 29th day of each month for the past 4 months compared to the same days for the same 4 months last year the number of very sick people waiting on hospital trolleys in acute hospitals throughout the country is down 879 people. 879 people who were sick enough to present themselves to hospitals and were prepared to wait up to and over 48hrs for a bed last year are either not getting sick, are staying at home under the bed and dying there or indeed they were never that sick in the first place. Before the global pandemic and the daily updates from Ingrid Miley telling us how many people are unemployed and receiving benefit we had daily updates on trolley waiting lists. I’m listening to RTE every day and haven’t heard an update on the trolley numbers, how’s that? Around election time when RTE does 20 vox pops a day, the man and woman on the street tell us the number one concern is either the health service or housing. Now I’m no promoter of the HSE but they seem to be doing a fine job to me over the past 4 months, capacity isn’t an issue and the housing issue…it’s turned out during lockdown that half the fucking country had 2 houses, never mind struggling for one. I’d be wary enough about where you get your “news” from these days


105 seems quite low to me considering its around 4 weeks and according to the R0 has gone through the roof

Could it be that almost all elective surgeries are postponed until further notice and that these same people are not occupying beds.

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Sports injuries must be down and elderly people must be terrified to go into a hospital.

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The German version of this app wasn’t working properly and a lot of people weren’t getting notifications at all so who knows.

I’d imagine that has a role to play alright, but the few times I’ve been in A&E, its just full of people who dont look particularly ill (obviously you can never tell, but it looks more like a doctors waiting room rather than an emergency room).

More often than not anytime I’ve been in, its never for me, usually one of the kids or the wife, but we’ve been seen before others, so they prioritise the actual serious cases as it is, but plenty there still hanging around waiting. A&E would often be a last resort for me to be honest, if I can get it sorted elsewhere I would, but it seems like it is a first port of call for many.

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I’m arriving on the 10th of August. If you can drag yourself out from under the bed for a day you can stand outside the airport with your little yanks go home sign.


Is it a busmans type holiday where you post incessantly on tfk without the time difference?


It looks like a doctors waiting room because that’s where doctors are sending them.

but surely then, if hospitals are now empty, then doctors surgeries will be heaving as a result. I dont know. I’ve never been sent by a doctor to A&E without a referral, but more often than not it is being sent in for an X-ray where it’ll be arranged in advance of going in or seen to straight away. I cant say I’d hear much about someone being sent to A&E by a doctor because they are being a lazy shite. It just seems to me that people use A&E as an alternative to doctors and with this whole lockdown has seen a reduction in numbers in hospital, so you would have to question how legitimate are all the cases going into hospitals. Same with doctors really, any bit of a sniffle and people straight down to the doctors.

GP’s surgeries were way down on normal numbers in April/May/June too - coming back a bit now. Some of it is people who should get stuff checked out and ignored/deferred it, obviously that’s bad. Some others is bugs for kids etc that were much reduced in numbers because of closed creches/schools and also the Covid measures prevent transmission of other stuff. I’d still say there was a big cohort who would normally have wandered down to the doctor but decided they could actually get by. Same in A&E. By definition A&E should be acute issues but seems to get clogged up with all sorts.


There are a fair few people in A and E “for their nerves”, a lot of booze and drug and mental health issues.

Most people with health insurance seem to go the Swiftcare or similar route now for the breaks and stitches type injuries.

A and E seems designed to be a pain in the hole deliberately to ration healthcare at point of entry to people who are perceived as not needing to be there. Once you are in the system and admitted the care does seem very good

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