Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

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Trend ever lower on deaths too

5 in Dublin, 3 in Kildare, -1 in Meath, 1 in Sligo, 1 in Cork.

Turns out the virus is now truly Irish, it doesn’t turn up to work on a Monday either.

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I don’t think there has been a new covid case in Limerick for two weeks.

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They’ll give you a few cases if you keep that kind of talk up.


That Covid is a pure gowl.

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Moaning about leaving the country for 9 days when the rest of the plebs weren’t allowed leave their counties.

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The virus knows what day it is

They’re some bullshitters in fairness.

Total ICU number mysteriously dropped by 1 today was at 438 since Thursday

Surface transmission of Covid 19 is quite rare

Are people arriving in from the UK being asked to isolate for 14 days?


I’m just the ideas guy.

The ops guy here is @mikehunt


You thinking of getting married in NI?


If u come in from GB you have to isolate. Exemptions for Muldoons suffering with acute homesickness.

You’re advised to isolate. You don’t have to