Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

If we need to tell fibs to get them to remain vigilant I’m all for it.

Ye won’t be there anyway

It’s going to be very interesting to see the net migration figures this year.

Project fear still on the cards

It accelerating across Europe, so we’ll keep the country locked down, while allowing anyone from mainland europe in willy nilly

I believe Putin has a vaccine ready to go so we should be back rocking and rolling by the October Bank Holiday weekend please God :pray:

If you look across Europe, it’s still mainly clusters and patchy outbreaks.

This "wave " is more likely just a by product of increased testing. Last time round it was running completely unchecked for weeks.

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How’s that now Mike?

It’s the ICU figures to watch the rest is a cod

Back to the old chestnut, how many people does flu kill every year?
Yet you’ll still get a very high percentage of medical staff who won’t get the vaccine for that.

This talk of a second wave really get under my skin. It almost suggests that this big bad virus is going to redouble it’s efforts and come at us again with the force of the early months of the year.

Of course we are a completely different world now. Social distancing and most importantly we are all over it like a fat kid on candy.

That doesn’t mean to say that it is still not a big issue. The lack of immunity and associated huge degree of contagiousness, coupled with lack of treatment options means that it has to be watched like a hawk and appropriate actions taken.

Someone said today that it is one big wave. I agree.


8 people in hospital with this thing and pubs, cinemas, theatres all closed, only 80 supporters from 2 clubs allowed to attend a match outside at venues that can hold thousands.
It’s time the government gets a hold of things now. Run the nerds out of town, their few months of fame is over. We’re not listening to their “be vigilant, second wave is on the way” guff any longer.


Definition of like bait.

The Wexford, Clare and Limerick lads like nodding dogs in to like that after double checking twice they were not on the list.

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You did see where it said 8 (eight) cases?

A running joke.

Like the 5km thread.


Fuck off Paul. Open the pubs.

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I see Mick Lowry called out the Taoiseach the other day on the 200 limit at GAA matches.

Mickey Martin didn’t realise the 200 included players and officials. :man_facepalming:

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It won’t if done right