Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I was wondering that myself. Suppose if you’re driving between shops and you don’t want to use a new mask every time.

I have been using the same disposable mask stuffed into the arse pocket for the last two weeks. I’m thinking of the planet.


Bollox. I use a mask a week. Fuck em

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There are masks littered everywhere. They are an environmental disgrace

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Disposable masks are the new takeaway coffee cups.

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And who are you blaming? The government?

To protect other people in the car. I’m tempted to go on but I won’t.

The plans for the re-opening of schools would appear to be an absolute shambles.

Really surprised at this government dropping the ball on something.

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The last crowd were only concerned with speeding up the process of re-opening before letting the dirty work to Mick Martin.

Re-opening the schools should have been worked out in May - with a couple of contingencies in place depending on numbers / phase we are in come September.

I’m still amazed that the average person cant see Leo played the initial part of the crisis for personal gain - basically just said we’ll let the next crowd sort the real shit out… and ‘journalists’ asking him why he was happy to take the second term as Tee and not continue on and let Martin go second :rofl:

You’d imagine this Tender crack could be waived considering the urgency of the situation.

Another LC year fucked…the social consequences of all this political fuck acting won’t be felt for a few years. Party/Career politics continues to fail society time and time again…

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We’re in a Pandemic mate, they are stumbling along undoubtedly but these are uncertain times.

Look at the shit show across the water this weekend.

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No excuse mate … as always, they are reacting instead of acting.

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Act in relation to something completely new to them. You’d be raging if they made mistakes either way.

They knew , as sure as night follows day, that schools would have to re-open ffs - it’s not rocket surgery - we were the last in Europe to get a plan together on this front and it was a half arsed bit of bolder dash to keep the public happy - Just like how they’ve reacted from day 1. Are our European colleagues facing something different to us that they could get their house in order?

The fun of finding 1000 extra teachers should be a good laugh.


There will be a huge amount of retirements next year. If I had another 10 years under my belt, id be gone.


Any chance of a full time job without the H Dip?

I’d half consider it if I didn’t need to do another course

I nearly would myself

You will never get permanent/cid without the pme (old hdip). If you have the right subjects you will get plenty of subbing but without the prospect of long term security.

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So a 4 year degree and 2 year PME… 6 years to qualify

No wonder there is a shortage of teachers. The old h dip was much shorter course was it?

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