Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Checkout operators have 3 sided screens? Would you tripe bag?

53 cases

0 deaths

53 new cases

No pubs (ones not selling food) until 2021 folks

Dr McConkey and Dr Glynn will shut it all down

45 of the 53 linked to outbreaks or close contacts.


It’s back with a vengeance.

Great to hear the silence from science. The arseholes.

19 in Laois.

Kildare has fucked us.

This is one mans fault.

Fuck Johnny Doyle.

Oh and the DP centre.

The 2km limit will be reduced to 2 metres outside your front door.

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Lockdown the Midlands. Lave the rest of us off.

You’re too lazy to go around us you cunts

Michael Levitt was saying in the paper today that the whole thing is a cod.

I was wearing a different pair of pants today so I was without my trusty mask in the arse pocket. Felt really guilty going into Supervalu earlier without it.

Then I realised I was in North Cork, the land time forgot, so it didn’t really matter.

Lockdown Limerick


Better idea is to send them all to Kilkee and Kilrush.

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I bought the paper.

He’s basically saying that death levels have been normal for almost 3 months now.

Colm O’Rourke also in the same paper has a brilliant article about the schools returning.

‘Just get on with it’ is his vision.

Howya sir, dya want a can?
He must be soft enough.
Fully agreed though, social distancing in school is lip service and no more, there’s nobody stupid enough to think that it can happen.
Let’s play it handy now, get the kids back to school and then we’ll take our chances because all bets are off

Aw that was a brilliant line, ‘Sir do you want a can?’ :joy:

I believe he’s some principal.
Surprised he’s not retired. Can’t imagine there’s much in it for him at this stage.

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This is holding steady