Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

its a scamdemic as I called it last week, you’d swear millions were dead they way it is reported, counties destroying their economy over this cod of a thing


Is the whole point to the original lockdown not to set up infrastructure to deal with these as they come up. Vulnerable people now know they need to be extremely careful. We have 6 people in hospitals. Lets keep driving on


Are there many customers in the emergency field hospitals like the one in UL Arena I wonders? Was out in Castletroy last weekend and passed by, had completely forgotten they had converted it until I passed the entrance.

About 30 or 40 out there last time I heard. Capacity for 60/70 patients.

The real scandal will be how much the HSE/tax payer is giving to UL for the use of the facility. It will all come out eventually and will presumably run into the millions.


Will it be a bigger scandal than what they gave to the investment fund for City West?

At least in giving it to a University you might get some return on it.

Oh really? I just assumed it was empty. Reading a bit about it there, they were planning to use it for both non-Covid patients & post Covid recoveries.

There’s no Covid patients in UL.

The fear at the outset was the hospital would be swamped so they rushed into the UL deal to prepare for an onslaught.

Instead the surge never really came, all the patients out there now are people who are about to be discharged after other non-covid ailments and just need physio etc before they are released.

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Sounds like exactly the type of step down facility the hospitals need all over the country to free up beds… Pity it took a pandemic to make it happen

There’s the long awaited 60 bed unit due to open in September in UHL too but considering they don’t have enough staff as it is you’d wonder where they are going to get the man/woman power to operate it.

The waste in the HSE is something else. Each government desperate to continue increasing the health budget to show they are doing something but it all disappears down a black hole.

The winter could be even more horrific than normal in hospitals if this virus gets a hold among the ordinary winter flu.


New normal is some bullshit term. It’s not a new normal so it’s not.


It’s a good way of knowing if someone is a complete muppet though. As soon as you hear someone say it you can safely assume they are a fucking eejit.


It’s a great example of Orwellian doublespeak.

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Everything must change for everything to stay the same.

Everyone who was vulnerable to this virus is dead. Ffg failed them in march yet harris and leo were beating it on twitter

These pre-discharge units are around a long time. My father was in one for a few months about 20 years ago.

Melbourne gone back into lockdown

I’ve a mate whose brother has 3 pubs and 2 cafes over there. Lost 120k in damaged stock in first lockdown and this latest decision is end of road for 3 out of the 5 facilities.

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its actually terrorism what the Melbourne authorities are doing right now, terrorism.


Mask observance up to about 97% by the general public in Dunnes today — However, Staff was down to around 2% - no checkout operators, no managers and just the odd shelf-stacker wearing one.