Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

+1 RTE have fear mongered since the start of this a thundering disgrace that we all have to pay them €160 a year🤮

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He’s not a guard

Chalk it down

If you could work from home, and basically pick anywhere in Ireland (or the World) with internet. How would you land on Dundalk :joy:

Cc @caulifloweredneanderthal

Interesting upside from the lockdown

Rents aren’t that cheap here. There’s actually a shortfall of decent rentals because the likes of PayPal, Xerox and some Chinese crowd that opened early this year have workers snapping up lots of rentals.

It’s actually not the worst place in the world. I always presumed it was an awful shithole but it’s got its good and bad spots, just like everywhere else. It’s like a bigger Ennis. Actually, that’s not a great sell.

When we moved up, our rent went up €350 from what were paying in Limerick.

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Have a friend renting in Dublin who won’t be back in the office til the new year at earliest, and at that, maybe just 1-2 days a week. He’s hours and wages have been cut so he’s thinking of moving down home for six months (will save six grand in rent alone).

WTF is he even considering this for, it’s a no brainer. Dublin is finished.

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The latest health advice from the HSE is to not ride the missus physically. Seriously.

Just do it over the phone or online.

We are well and truly through the looking glass now.


Kildare, supplying the covid and the tapas to Laois.

It is gone beyond comprehension what Cummings is up to.
Matt Hancock made an utter fool of himself on Manchester radio, the recording of which has now mysteriously disappeared off Facebook.
As of today, I can go to a pub or a coffeeshop, but not next door.
I can even go swimming in the pool (first session back tomorrow), and have a shower, but cant have someone round for a cup of tea after.

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Are you listening to those apes? Mrs Tassotti arrived back from ibiza last night and is supposed to be quarantined. I went up last night and rode her


No mate, I’m not.
Good effort btw.
Did she appreciate the smooth arse?

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Is it possible to give her a bad ride online aswell? Asking for a friend!!!

Is it possible for her to have a headache online?

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back to phase 2 lads

There’s no tapas in Laois, but there’s a lovely spot in Carlow that I’d recommend

Clare people have been sour about Limerick people going on holidays to Kilkee lahinch and Spanish point for years. I say its time we annex west Clare


They hate Limerick people yet they would still be in mud huts without the :moneybag: generated it’s bizarre really.

Great lads to cut the lawn though