Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I remember the auld lad that owned Clearys shop on the beachfront in Spanish Point. Meanest fucker you’d meet, had a deep hatred for Limerick folk. He had the shop set up that you had to order everything at you. Big display cases with all the chocolate bars in it. Ice cream fridge was a part of the counter. He once refused me saying I had a dud 10er, the father gave it to me he got out of the atm. Next day yourman had no bother taking it when the auld lad went in

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No one has died, so lock the country down.

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You could not make up the “logic” fellas are using at the moment

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No lockdown for the lads firing up the 5G masts though.

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After riding someone just back from Ibiza, Covid isn’t your number one disease concern.


Default reaction is to get back as far under the bed as possible.

Ireland: “close the airports!”

Do they want to drive fellas to use hookers ??

In one week Ireland has: banned an ad telling people how to use tampons and advised people not to have sex with anyone unless they live with them.

Is the catholic church making a comeback?




Virus rampant in Melbourne despite the lockdown. Numbers much lower in other states who are not in lockdown.

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91 new cases
No deaths

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its out of control

So this is how the world ends

With no one dying but people behaving like they’re in Stalingrad in 1942


Not long now before we start burning witches again

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You’re a publican. This is all your fault


You’re the one letting in all the yanks riddled up to their eyeballs.
I’d say we’ll both be burned alive once the medical dictatorship tracks us down


0 deaths

46 cases

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46 cases

No deaths

The spike must be coming…