Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

He’s utterly loathsome, a complete and utter slimy, vacuous spoofer. That motion he does where he joins his pointed fingers together as if he was sincere would sicken you.

Surely FF has some PR dept trying to stop him becoming a caricature of Monty Burns with his mannerisms?



There is some logic to the pub decision but no logic to this one.

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Defensive decision making is right for the individual as he won’t be blamed but it’s the wrong approach to default to for the wider population and society. We should demand more of our politicians and officials. I think pubs are in unfortunate position of being used as proxy to message people that they need to


Surely its time for a protest march over this farce. Only rule is GOD and her likes stay away. Rte will give it as much coverage as thw water charges

They claim that if they allow 500 people into a GAA match then they have to worry about more people travelling and congregating before and after, not always in a socially distant manner.

A distinction needs to be made between pubs and nightclubs. They keep referring to them together.

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The most ridiculous thing I saw last week was the cops making out that they were stopping people from climbing Croke Patrick on Reek Sunday… A fucking mountain, outdoors in the middle of nowhere with the sun melting the shtones and a wind blowing through that would dry a wet duffle coat.


Hours after face masks went from compulsory to mandatory. There is stronger evidence to show they are not useful.

Farce to say the least

That’s a fact

This Mary Regan is another lightweight RTE political commentator. She is hopeless.


We could do with a David Davin Power in these dark times.

It’s part of the job spec, the type of nodding halfwit that will comfort establishment shills like @Raylan and @the_man_himself with their state fluff pieces.


Huh? The government has been a shambles and I have said that on here

Ursula Halligan, Charlie Bird - the current mob are too cosy with Ministers. Not one difficult question put to them throughout this.

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Didnt someone have up here lately that a lot of journalists are getting handy advisor roles with ministers in recent years. That’s the long term game with them.

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Of course they are useful don’t be so silly.

You’re overreaching a bit there kid

The goverment might have been right at first when Tony told us. Still 4 months too late.

You were told that 2 weeks ago — masks are a cod and serve no other purpose than appeasing the screaming Marys