Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Fuck Kildare and fuck Offaly. They are infecting us all.

Condoms are not 100% effective. Does that mean they are not useful?

Are you walking around with a condom over your head?

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You wouldn’t throw on a johnny 3 months after knocking her up either. Masks would have had a greater effect in March when Dr Tony said they were no good

Great to read that @glasagusban is comfortable riding someone with aids as long as he has a condom on.

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Wrong. What use were masks on us in lockdown? They’re opening up gradually and people are circulating more and so introducing mask wearing makes sense. They should have done it long before now.

Of course they’re not 100% effective in all circumstances but they massively reduce risk. It’s very silly to try to deny that.

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Comparing masks you wear around your mouth to condoms you put on your knob is even more silly, you stupid fucker.

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What difference is a mask between now and lockdown? Sure wernt we all still going to stand in queues in dunnes? Walking down the street. I’m seeing the same amount of people now as I did in April, maybe less, the point is mixed messages. Risk reduction methods were determined back in march and all industries put forward their plans to re open, yet 5 months later masks are required? What sense is that. Comparing to Johnny’s and wearing them wrong makes you sound like a breda or karen on fb. No one is getting the virus in public, meat factories and DP centres

If masks save lives, the government’s advice not to wear them initially must have killed people

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Is it possible it was a mistake not to require people to wear masks earlier and it’s being fixed now? Most EU countries have rules on mask wearing in place for a good while now, and many have recently extended them. The Irish government has been slow to introduce rules on masks, which is bad. Does that mean it’s wrong to now introduce rules on masks? No. What’s your problem with it?

She stops him in the heat of the moment — have you got a condom? No, but I have super cool mask … :laughing:

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It doubles up as a dental dam

To me yesterday was about the Government/Health Service saying that we do not yet have confidence in our systems of identification/contact tracing/isolation to manage this virus.

Six months in, that’s pretty poor. But not surprising.

Whether we ever get back to normal from Covid depends on that system. If close contacts aren’t getting tested then throw the book at them - under the Public Health Act. It seems to be possible to do it for house parties and pubs. Launch ad campaigns. Do whatever it bloody takes!!

I want to be able to be able to go watch a club match and have a few pints with my friends afterwards. That’s hardly a big ask?


Not at all.

And they paint it as our non-compliance.

There’s nothing stopping you from doing that.

My problem is there is the government are giving advice to wear face coverings when the effectiveness of masks less than ffp2 grade is questionable. Only reasoning i can see is the placebo and making feel happy. Its the classic bear patrol in the simpsons, the patrol is there and no bears hence it works. Not that the virus is out of the community in general and its clusters being found

That’s a silly comment.

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They’ve done that from the off

Yes there is.
There’s no pub in my locality open.