Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Not really. He posted a Portuguese graph, you’ve ignored that and mentioned other countries.

From looking at other places, you have to give it a health warning. It takes a while to get final numbers on recent deaths.

Lads still trying to do the country stats comparisons. :smiley:

A friend’s mother has just tested positive for Corona virus for the second time.

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If she in a home or what sort of people is she hanging out with?

She’ll be international news shortly so

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I literally heard an hour ago that someone in the regional had tested positive for a second time.

Also begs the question what was she doing to get it twice?

I’d imagine it’s more likely the virus never left her system.


Was just wondering that. Are people who ‘recover’, tested to show they don’t have it?

Generally it’s a case that the virus hasn’t left their system rather than a case that it’s got them twice

They should have a daily death off
Post the daily deaths from Covid alongside the daily deaths from Suicide.

Paddy power could run a book on it albeit a very one sided one

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Maybe you could include alcohol related deaths as well,


Yeah in Hong Kong they make old people come out of hospitals quarantine for 3 months before going back into care homes for partly that reason.

Alcohol is a personal decision and people become alcoholics in countries with big pub cultures and without them.

Pubs are basically the dream of some to legalise drugs and regulate it in alcohol terms.

And to tax it…Something similar with drugs is needed. The state pay millions for the harder drugs a year throufh welfare. Economically its a terrible system.

Alcohol caused covid now I see.
Bring back prohibition ta fuck

Just a nonsense reply to your nonsense point.

Suicide is not nonsense pal

Not a joking matter either pal