Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Are we having a conceptual debate now?

What really is death?

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Tyrone football discussions

sure 700 of the people who supposedly died in Ireland died of something else like cancer, they just happened to have the virus at the time of death

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We’re now going for eradication which can only be achieved by stopping all human interaction across the planet. It’ll be tough going for a year or two but it’s time to pull on the green jersey now.


Living in Kildare

It’s nothing to do with better or worse that more people died of Corona virus in one country than another? Really?

Do you think the difference in deaths is simply down to how we counted as opposed to how others counted?

You don’t believe that more old and vulnerable people died of Corona virus in Ireland than did in many other EU countries? That belief is not based on anything.

More people died in Ireland than should have, or would have if they’d been living in a country that managed the pandemic well. It’s as simple as that.

Countries didn’t count Covid 19 deaths in the same way so it’s hard to tell who is “better or worse” at this stage. Excess deaths is a better way of judging it

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Well that’s not certain either.

My lads’ school emailed today to say back as normal in September - no rota or half in half out etc.

Tell Us Never.


Pull your head out of the sand.

Life as it is?.. I have lived for over 40 years
and I have seen life as it is
pain, misery, cruelty beyond belief
I’ve heard all the voices of God’s noblest creatures
and moans from bundles of filth in the streets
I’ve been a soilder and a slave
I’ve seen my comrades fall in battle or die more slowly under the lash in Africa
I’ve held them at the last moment
these were men who saw life as it is
yet they die dispairing
no glory, no brave last words
only their eyes filled with confusion questioning why?
I do not think they were asking why they were dying
but why they had ever lived,

And life itself seems lunatic
who knows where madness lies
Perhaps to be too practical is madness?
to surrender dreams
this maybe madness
to seek treasure where there is only trash
too much sanity maybe madness
and maddest of all
to see life as it is
and not as it should be

FOTF and COVID celebrity Luke O’Neill on Newstalk now

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Here’s Portugal’s excess deaths vs. deaths recorded as Covid as posted by @Copper_pipe yesterday

Do you think they counted Covid deaths in the same way as us, and do you think they just happened to have an incredibly unlucky year?

hang on, they’ve had more deaths in Juiy than the peak of it and reported less?

Shoot any planes coming back from Lisbon out of the sky

Drive on.

That settles it then does it? Greece had about 200 covid deaths for a population more than twice as big as Ireland, Norway about the same for a population a bit bigger than Ireland, Croatia about 150 with about the same size population as Ireland despite being hit with a massive earthquake in the middle of the crisis.

Do you reckon this is all made up?

If an elderly person with compromised immunity catches a cold and dies, is the cause of death recorded as common cold?

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I didn’t say anything about anybody making stuff up at any stage. I also never said Ireland did well on Covid 19. All I’ve said is that countries counted the deaths differently so it is better to look at excess deaths rather than reported deaths.

You’re taking reported deaths as gospel

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He wears a condom over his head - you cant take him seriously.

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Maybe they have bad breath and can’t stand the smell. :slight_smile: