Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

There shouldn’t be any compliance with regressed phases until a proper assessment of the impact of very restrictive measures is done.

I was just saying that at work last night.

If you chained everyone inside for month, had the army on the streets with shoot-to-kill orders, we’d be back in time for championship.

It’s becoming as plausible as any other strategy

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If it is clear a 6 week or so complete lockdown would put us firmly in control of this virus most people would snap it up at this point. This halfway house approach is only serving to instil a prolonged state of fear and further enrich the cashing in on covid industry


Again, bullshit. Your R rate can jump several notches just based one idiot with a temperature jumping into his car with his colleagues and going into work. We were closing less than 20 cases a day a couple of weeks ago. R was apparently over 1 then, what should we be at according to your calculations?

R is important at a certain level but needs context. I said it before and @Tank mentioned it today, Covid is the new global terror, the R number is the new severe (in bright red) terror level.


Given what has happened in the likes of China, Vietnam and Hong Kong, I doubt it mate. Strong border controls and it still gets in.

We just need to live with it.

What really have we to lose by trying?

Ah ya I was not putting it forward as a genuine solution

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When he’s right he’s right


It isn’t sustainable.

What are the Kiwis going to do when non citizen residents want to go home at Christmas? Hong Kong have had some harsh border controls and it still got in.

We should be using the App more. If there is a cluster in your area, the phone shakes. We are all just playing the game till a vaccine or immunity at this point.

R is effectively meaningless in small regions, as what you are looking at is clusters. Germany went from an R of 1.0 to 2.88 in a week due to an outbreak in one meat processing plant, obviously this is nonsense. One superspreader in a town can drive a country’s R up. R only makes any sense when you have widespread infection across a large area.

Politicians who haven’t a notion of what they are talking about are the only ones blabbing about linking policy decisions to R numbers at this stage.

It’s turning into terrorism for liberals. Or that’s the risk anyway.

In fact if liberals overstep this the results could be absolutely catastrophic for Western civilisation (ie. Qanon consporacy theorists gaining mass support).

If all the cases are in the midlands how is the R rate 1.8 in the South?

I tend to agree in general. But if they are opposed to localised lockdowns, which they are, and which is the only viable alternative I am beginning to wonder is it at least worth a shot rather than this permenant limbo netherworld where nothing purposful continues to happen at pace. I mean whats the point in us being here in 6 weeks time in the exact same scenario, if not an even worse one?

Give the LIUTF crowd 6 weeks at the helm and if and when they fail then maybe some sanity and reason might re affirm its rightful position in society

Wait til it comes out the Chinese patented the Covid 19 vaccine in 2019.

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There were roughly 300 active cases toward the end of June. There are currently over 1000 active cases. That’s in just over a month, with the restrictions we have in place

Covid 19 - Certificate Of Vaccination ID 2019, I like that one.

Bit of craic, to be fair :grin:

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It isn’t.

Do Ireland even track recoveries?

It had gone from 15k in april to 300 in June so I presume so

Can you please attribute that to the multiple you suggested off R. Moving on two months doesn’t quite cut it.

If anything I’m surprised that Ireland is still getting a low a number of cases as they are.