Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from


Periodically. I wouldn’t say it’s regular. I believe Esteban was freaking out about that a few months ago.

Can you do the multiple of the supposed R from a few weeks ago vs the daily cases.

The fact that you’ve gone back two months says it all here.

A month, to when it was at its lowest.

Do it yourself.

6 weeks. Do it there for us based on the R number.

Do it yourself

So you can’t then, that’s grand. Next.

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Christ, you’re a gobshite.

You obviously haven’t a notion what R0 actually means, let alone Rt.


Have you told the experts that?

They can stop bothering their holes with the vaccine then

Sweet response.


Is it not hospitals reporting deaths. Surely?

I tell you what, what interests me is how many new hospitalisations have been previously picked up by testing.

Are journalists able to ask these kinds of questions?

Or how many people they find when mass testing the likes of the factories who are asymptocmatic

Agreed. The level of info is shocking and what we get is often sensationalised and distorted.

A good follow on all of this is Carl Heneghan from Oxford

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That will drive a few lads demented.

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Dunno, that was just a guess.

TFK experts are a joy to behold. :smiley::smiley:

@mikehunt already bothered by the mention of Sweden


He has complete faith in the “experts”.

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