Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

15 of the 24 in Dublin, 2 in Cork, 1 in Kerry, 1 in Dublin. Haven’t worked out where the other 5 are except they are not in Waterford or Wexford.

At least one case in Sligo I think.

Why not?

Why would I?

Team Ireland. Green jersey.

Would you stop… That’s for the under the bed crew.

Anyway, I work from home, don’t go to pubs and will only visit immediate family. What the fuck do I need it for? I’ve survived Dunnes for the last 12 weeks, as have all the staff there… I don’t need an app for any of that.

I haven’t downloaded the app yet. Its on my to do list though. In other news I had a hape of pints tonight. They will not be fucking locking down anything ever again.


The fellas who won’t download the app because of tracking movement issues most likely already have Google Maps, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram, Deliveroo all tracking their location already :smiley:


What person over 21 has Facebook , instagram or Snapchat? :smile:

Maura and Breda

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Wimmin folk - the correct answer.

Soft townie cunts love that shit.

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I downloaded the app. Privacy is dead already, another app isn’t going to make it any more dead.

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Confident guys have nothing to hide :clap:

Are there people really citing privacy concerns?

Citing them on Facebook


I believe more than one person has. Others are referencing 1984.

Are they tagging themselves at Cafe Nero when they are doing it? :smile:

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Maura is - feeling like my privacy is being invaded - with @breda and @nuala - at Cafe Nero, Dawson Street