Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

There’s a few lads have gotten mad agitated about their privacy on here lately, you’d sweat they had something to hide.

Do you have to have bluetooth on at all times for it to work properly? Or just when you’re out and about?

Only when you’re near someone with the virus

Persistent cough, high temperature and blue teeth are the 3 main symptoms to look out for.

App uses Low Energy Bluetooth so will use about 1% of the battery on your phone each day.

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That’ll cost @myboyblue up to 50 posts a day


App seems decent. Easy to navigate.

Everybody feeling well today on tfk?

Can you set up a TFK/Strava group on it?

Shame you can’t add a “Story” to it.

Close to a million on it now I’d say.

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Real pity Mask wearing uptake hasn’t been anywhere near as good.

I discovered this week that a bit of shaving foam on glasses, then wiped off with tissue paper will prevent my glasses from fogging up when wearing a mask.

A game changer. :mask: :nerd_face:


I was out in some shops in Stillorgan last Saturday and mask wearing was close to 75 per cent in my estimate.

You cannot use a taxi in Dublin without a mask and most taxis have screens.

Very few shop workers in masks though.

Once it gets to a certain tipping point not wearing a mask becomes as socially unacceptable as spitting on the ground.

The lads in the Kremlin tell me they will have it live by tea time.

From my limited trips to supermarket masks are out numbering non masks.

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Can you upload photos of your dinner on it?

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That’s good to hear lads, it’s important in densely populated areas that people are taking the precaution even if nobody knows how effective it really is.

In more rural areas I am not seeing the uptake in mask wearing but perhaps the space required to distance from others is there.

Personally, I haven’t been in a position so far to have to wear one. All my work is generally done in the open air.

It’s a strange virus — no transmission in open air. But also, not one member of super market staff, here anyway, seem to have contracted it. It doesnt really stick to surfaces like previously thought - like birthday cards etc. You literally have to be up in some ones face for a sustained period of time or share close quarter amenities.

This is the issue.

Shop staff seem to have come through pandemic relatively unscathed thankfully. The issue now it seems is people think it’s all over and can’t stand the fuck back & more importantly have a bit of patience.

The alcohol consumption issue is very real though as lads lose the run of themselves under the influence as your own trip to A & E proved a few years ago.