Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

We won’t be out from under the bed before next Easter.

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They already had another 60 to announce yesterday but the deadline had passed so presume they will be lumped into today’s total.

Local restrictions expected to be announced later today in the affected areas.

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Its just gonna be an endless cycle of easing/reimposing restrictions .

We need a to reassess what we want to achieve.

Maybe the media will start asking some serious questions about wtf the NPHET are doing if there is a localised lockdown.

Of course the media are cheerleading the area into one, but the NPHET said they were not practical just yesterday. How could that change in just 24 hours?

They’ll lob in a few deaths from May too if that number isn’t high enough

I’m repeating this but we’ll never get to 0 cases as long as there’s an open door travel policy into and out of the country. It’s just not feasible.

We have to live with this thing. It’s not going away. There will be an endless cycle of spikes and reductions if the current conditions remain.

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If there is a local lock down for what is essentially the commuter belt you will have droves of people leaving these counties and taking up residence with family and friends, taking last minute annual leave from work and finding numerous ways not to live in a re-introduced lockdown. I’m surprised the meat plants and direct provision centres are not being asked the hard questions while hypotheticals like what the implications for schools, pubs reopening, intercounty GAA resumption are roundly discussed and deemed too risky.


I’m sick of hearing this ‘learning to live with it’.

What does living with it actually mean? Drinking coffee, outside Bunratty Castle on a windy day?

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Reading that most (probably all) people working in meat factory would not get paid for sick days, so will understandably come into work if they have a few symptoms but fell not too bad.

Working in meat factory and then going home to direct provision sounds bleak enough.

Will be unreal hysteria knocking about when today’s numbers are announced later on. Every Brenda on Facebook will be demanding another national lockdown.

Genuine question here, how many people would need to be complicit in a conspiracy to doctor the numbers of any given day? Or holdback deaths for use later or whatever it is that people suggest is going on

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I’ll take this. What @dodgy_keeper means is that we should shut down aspects of life that will have minimal impact on him (i.e. international travel) in order to open up the things that do matter to him (i.e the pub, intercounty GAA etc).


I could live with that.

When are the ‘experts’ going to realize that ‘suppression’ is a complete waste of time.

1 poster on this site would be more than enough to make it fact :sunglasses:

Top news story from Germany today. A wild boar robs a mans laptop and clothes at a nudist resort in Germany. The crafty pig makes off towards the forest with the naked man failing in his pursuit.

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Some of them could be delayed deaths because of coroner reports and the likes confirming Covid was the reason for death.

By “learning to live with it” I mean we accept it as part of society. There’s millions of cases around the world, the genie is not going back in the bottle.

Take all necessary precautions for the vulnerable (those in hospitals, nursing homes etc) but the rest of society should, within reason, be allowed to continue as normal.

Like, when the schools re-open and one student tests positive as will inevitably happen - are you going to shut a school with maybe 1,000 students for a fortnight? The school could be shut multiple times every year. It’s just not practical.

Personal accountability has to come into it but that seems to have gone out the window. Easier just shut everything down and drag us back to the dark ages economically and socially.


But there is a strong chance of this taking off again like March unless it it closely watched. The consequences of that are huge. Deaths from Covid, large numbers of cases blocking up ICU for other health issues. This thing spreads like wildfire.


There seems to be two alternatives here.

  1. Try to surpress it as we are, lockdown every few weeks, and keep deaths low but effectively make life miserable for everyone forever. We wouldn’t be living at all really, merely existing.

  2. Let it run through the population, a lot more deaths in the short term, but eventually we might be able to live again.

Its a terrible situation but this is where we are.

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A lot, lot more deaths.

When this first emerged there were estimates of 2 million cases if left unchecked. At Covid mortality rates that’s 100,000 deaths. Holy fuck. I can do without my pub for that.

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