Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Depends on whether they have a right to reside here.

Genuine question: if the virus is so contagious, why do we need to.plow deep.down inside someone to get a sample? If micron droplets of saliva carry it, why is it so arduous to get a sample?

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I have no idea. I’m just the ideas guy.

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Brother was in kilkee with pals last weekend. One of them just tested positive so about a dozen lads all sent for testing.

Eire = Spike Island

Not exactly suited to the ideas role with that response!

That’s a stick to beat them with

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That’ll fly over most heads you’d feel

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Lookit the government are loathe to touch the meat industry or impose further restrictions on them. Ayatollah Goodman must not be disturbed


Fuck off Sean

Virtual cabinet meeting at 3pm today, never was a description more apt.

Pity you didn’t get one over the head

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Is his son out of jail after that stint inside for dangerous driving?

Hick town in Ireland? I’m talking about hick towns in Spain. Even supposedly educated Spaniards are acting the bollix, especially those who vote right wing.

The drive for cheap food is dangerous and benefits no one long term .

Are you having a nice holiday kid?

Wonder what film Mee-hawl will quote at his press conference advising of a full lockdown in certain counties and whole country moving back a phase

Rumour (someone told me that someone else told them etc) 300 cases to be announced today

What would moving back a phase mean? Travel within your own county only?

They mentioned last night, based on the number of results coming through last night that todays figures would be very high.