Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

You know this isn’t that bad an idea because it would frighten the fucking shit out of every business person in the country. No-one would want to be known as the man who got the whole county shut down.

Occam’s razor, there’s no need for a conspiracy theory when incompetence is a sufficient explanation.


Close the whole thing down to fuck. 6/8 week proper lockdown. Airports and the North too
Kildare/Offaly/Laois this week
2 or 3 other counties next week
2 or 3 more counties again the week after that
And then the needle returns to the start of the song and we all sing along like before, ad infinitum

People not allowed to stop in Laois or Offaly. Funny if it wasn’t so serious. Hey guys let’s destroy what’s left of the SMEs in the midlands.

I assume Magnier has the racing sorted for the weekend though.

In fairness I’m shocked at the reports from the nest factory’s. Everywhere I’ve been since February has been borderline OTT with measures . How have they gotten away with basically none

Dublin should have been shut weeks ago when that was where all the cases were


What’s the story here, can I still drive through Laois at least?

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The surrounding counties will be over run with refugees from this virus riddled wasteland.


Yes make sure you wave to them as you pass

At high speed.

So a handful of factories and direct provision centres can’t keep their shit in order and they shut down the whole county as some sort of collective mass punishment :thinking:


A lot of Guards living/working in Kildare and places.

Can they play for their home clubs at the weekend or what’s the story?

The complete arbitrariness of using county boundaries as well. Why not just introduce them in towns and areas affected

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its a load of bollox. How are they going to stop people leaving? Put a garda checkpoint with back up from the army on each border crossing?

The Brits gave us the county boundaries so may as well use them.

Surely it should be a radius of say 20km around a meat plant. Otherwise it’s a farce


It is a farce, it’s just Martin trying to look like he is doing something. They can’t stop people coming via the airport or over the border from Northern Ireland, how the fuck are they going to stop people leaving these 3 counties?

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Fuck Kildare

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Queens County letting down the green jersey.

Exit 14 will lose some coin over this.