Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

That’s midway gone

How am I supposed to drive from Wexford to Limerick now??

The venerable N24.

Well it’s usually with your tae in a mug going in the opposite direction.


OIUTF Crew: I think maybe there should be localised lockdown where there are regional spikes in covid.

Other members: Agreed, great shout.

Localised spikes, recommended regional lockdown.

OIUTF crew: this is a fucking disgrace, regional fucking lockdowns. What the fuck are they at.

Absolute fucking morons


Will need to dig out the 2018 semi final thread where novel approaches in getting from Limerick to Dublin were proposed in anticipation of traffic bedlam. I believe one fella even went via Venice.


8% of recent cases come from abroad last time I read a stat on it. That means 92% within ireland.

Travel is not the problem.

So every business in the towns of these three counties are closed yet these meat plants will remain open (or reopen) as they’re seen as essential.

No, I completely disagree. It is not a binary choice. There should be a way to manage it at an acceptable level of infections and allow people to live with appropriate precautions in place.

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The food businesses will open as take away only. Retail outlets remain open. It’s barely even a lockdown.

We are barely living as it is and their shutting us down.

Hairdressers, salons and barbers, restaurants?

Jesus I hope we don’t have to go vegan!

It is also understood that retail will remain open but shoppers must wear masks, while barbers may also be given the green light to stay open as well as hotels and churches.

Another source said an announcement on funerals is also likely with a potential restriction of up to 25 people.

There are 10 people in hospital. 5 in ICU. In the entire country. Calm down mate


The hysteria is kicking back in

They are doing a really bad job of it and have been for a long time.

That doesn’t mean you decide fuck it there’s only one or other extreme as an option. They need to do better. The hard part is finding the workable balance. Clearly we haven’t yet.

the paddies laughing at the brits over Project fear, Paddy shits himself now when rte report fake covid19 figures

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All they’re trying to do is prevent those numbers from getting high again by managing the situation.

Reacting early is better than overreacting too late, which is why we had to go into full lockdown early doors.

Lads here are looking to sleep walk into another full lockdown

Breda and Nuala tend to get rather hysterical around this time every evening. You can set your watch to them