Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Just imagine if they lock down a nice county next?

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Mick Healy Rae would explode if Kerry got locked down

Look, a few auld lads tipping down to have three or four pints and drive home are not going to spread Corona virus.

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Throughout covid I’ve worked for 2 big MNC. Both have taken ot extremely serious from the start. In the first place when this hit peopel were told to wfh were possible. The number of people onside was limited and we had to change work practices to ensure social distancimg, that effected production numbers but was the right time to do. At the time I left there was 5 conformed cases within the site, lut of 1600 people all in march, I don’t believe there has been any since. 2 were in a particular area, 1 in my area lived with one of those 2 (I was close contact) and another in my area who caught off a family member, I’ve no idea of the other. HSA inspected in April and were delighted with the levels of measures and had no further recommendations.
I started in the 2nd plant in May, wfh for most and might be onsite 2 days a week. Much the same, work practices changed to ensure social distancing, limit number of people per area, temperature checks at door and masks. We are working on an expansion which requires us to bring in contractors from England and Germany, in order to bring them in we have to segregate the area to ensure no one enters where they will work, bring them in to reception to fill out all paperwork take temperature bring around backnand through special door to go to work area, they cannot use our toilets we hire portable toilets specific to each contactor, they cannot use the canteen, only 2 people from the company can interact and we must wear ffp2 masks. In order to bring them into ireland we need IBEC clearance. HSA inspected in June and again were all happy with our measures. Not 1 case linked to the plant out of 400 people.
Both MNC took it seriously and protected workers and rook a hit on production, I really can’t understand how 1 whole industry gets away with this level of non compliance. MNC get a bad rap often for not paying tax, but at least they aren’t allowing their workers get infected with a deadly disease in order to keep the bottom line


Politically, they can’t lock down Dublin, Cork, Kerry or Galway. Wicklow is probably safe as well. Wexford could be vulnerable

We’ve 2 junior ministers hopefully we’ll make the non :closed_lock_with_key: down list

Shoes what can be done. It’s not easy but it can be managed. If a business is acting responsibly shut them down. But the government prefer to turn a blind eye to where infections are occurring and keep pubs shut.

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A big spike in Wicklow would be fascinating right now. Half the cabinet would be telling their constituents they can’t go to their “summer house” in Clonakilty for a few weeks

Considering all that we had Mick Barry outside the gate on VM news and name the company in the dail for not respecting workers rights during covid. A non unionised site that siptu were trying to get into, yet these meat factories are unionization but siptu never called for industrial action? Whats the point of having a union.

In fairness, siptu raised concerns about the meat factories. The government ignored them.

They had a few more cards in their hand and didn’t play them. Despite all that hopefully people realise the impact of the last 1p years of FFG policys allowing low pay, high rent and direct provision. All this lead to exploitation of low paid vulnerable workers.

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If it was in China we’d be talking about slave labour and sweat shops.

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I would say close to that from what we have heard but I’ve never been in a meat factory.

This is not xenophobic but the unions have found it very difficult to make inroads with the foreign low-skill workers in this country. If people are hiding their covid symptoms, endangering themselves and others, because they’re thatbdesoerate to get the money in now, what interest would that person have in a union?

Does it beat the shit out of you outside a chipper?


Good point

SIPTU have largely sat on the hands on this for a decade Glas . In the main the whole thing in now done through agencies . The beef barons will wash their hands of this . Joe Public also didn’t give a fuck as long as they got cheap meat .

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If she isn’t Taoiseach within the next 6 months she’s fucking stupid. In fact, I think I should go put a lot of money on her this morning.

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It’s crazy that there is no testing centre in Kildare, considering its location and population.

In fairness, I listened to the NPHET on this yesterday and they seem to have done the right thing in testing at near factories.

It’s just the reality that in those places it spreads like crazy.

What should be the bigger criticism is the arbitrary nature of the restrictions and the fact that community spread remains minimal. There is not much in spending all of the money they have to control this without fully using the tools.