Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

There was meat plant workers displaying symptoms who got tested and then went back to work while waiting up to 4 days for their results. But look it’s grand don’t ask any questions and do what you’re told and keep the head down. Close down other businesses where there’s no cases and politely ask the meat plants would they mind maybe…ah no, sorry yeah carry on.

Dara Callery am ah am ah now lookit ah am ah NPHET told us ah am ah look I understand there’s anger but ah am ah NPHET am ah am.

Tis grand though.


The results of both studies augur well for phase 3 trials, where the vaccines must be tested on much larger populations of participants to assess their efficacy and safety. Overall, the results of both trials are broadly similar and promising, notwithstanding differences in the vector, in the geographical locations of the populations studied, and the neutralisation assays used. Without drawing causal inference, the exploration of associations of age and sex with adverse events and immunogenicity reported by Chen and colleagues, and of longevity of response by Pollard and colleagues, are welcomed, given the differential burden of severe outcomes in older adults, and the emerging science around differential sex-specific vaccine effects.

4These COVID-19 vaccine trials are small so inferential caution is warranted, but the explorations are laudable. Ethnic diversity in both these trials was very limited.

Nothing between Lucan and Leixlip/Celbridge anyway

Salmon leap open in Leixlip. Seemingly the bridge is the boundary :joy:

I’m in Naas tomorrow. I’ll report back

347 cases
0 deaths

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Where did you get that?

68 cases

No deaths.


Hearing lots of stories in recent days about the real reason Barry Cowen got ran. Ties in nicely with the focus on meat factories of late.

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Go on. Pm if necessary.
Edit: please

Of the 68 new confirmed cases

•41 are associated with outbreaks or are close contacts

•2 are identified as community transmission

•19 cases are located in Kildare

•17 in Dublin

•15 in Offaly

•12 in Laois

• 5 in Donegal

Pm please my good man

Pm please

I’ll have a PM.

I’ll take a PM

Pm please

tenor (44)

Pm please

PM my good man

All over bar the shouting