Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

The Taoiseach was on radio earlier saying he regrets the blame culture going around at the moment. Welfare cheats cheat us all came to mind. He’s a serious sickner.

Did the 14 days for the midlands start on Saturday? Today is day 3 already - it will fly by guys :hugs:

The 14 day will be exteneded into 4 months

The People of Kildare, Offaly and Laois will turn this around in quick time.

It was their own fault for having these meat factories in them in the first place

Stealing what was traditionally a Limerick trade mark – All the pig murderers can trace their origins back to Limerick. Brady’s , O’Mara’s, Shaw’s , Matterson’s, Denny’s … Our hands are clean now tho.

The issue really isn’t the meat factories, as much as people want to blame them. Outbreaks are inevitable there, protocols or not.

The bigger issue is the haphazard approach to restrictions. The NPHET were unsure about regional restrictions until they pulled the trigger. The Government are only now talking about additional financial assistance foe the area, that should have been part and parcel of this tactic- in June it was reported that localised lockdowns might be required. They aren’t clear what the strategy is.

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I was told a month ago by a FF TD that Ireland couldn’t have regional lockdowns because we are too small

He’s not wrong. Lads are leaving those counties to eat and drink and holiday. It’s theatre.

Too much fannying about. They missed the boat on a proper lockdown. Covering their arses now with this shit. You get what you vote for.

And so they should be. This Govt is only cuntacting at this stage, protecting their own interests is priority Pointing the finger wherever the mood takes them is the default

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@chocolatemice called all this months ago and he was repeatedly attacked for his views … He saw through the bluster from the off. A shame he doesnt post here anymore.

I see Varadkar was saying today that the economic fall out is going to be much worse than first thought … he’s some cunt of a man… Open the pubs, open sports venues - get people spending in Ireland.


Screw that. Tax break on holidays for high earners, fuck everyone else.

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We’re all in this together though.

Except poor people. They’re more in it than everyone else.


And they’ve a nice excuse to hide behind to not address housing and rents - to protect their landlord chums.

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This don’t look good
Boris ahead of Paddy

Fuck Kildare, the horse bothering shower of cunts

14 days is it — why 14 days I wonder? why not the past month? or 3 months?

More than 300 cases of Covid-19 were recorded in Co Kildare in the past fortnight, almost twice as many as any other county, new figures show.

The Department of Health has released figures showing the county-by-county incidence of the disease across the State for the first time.

Nine counties - Kerry, Kilkenny, Leitrim, Longford, Monaghan, Roscommon, Sligo, Tipperary and Waterford - currently have minimal spread of the disease, according to the data supplied on request to The Irish Times.

In contrast, the 14-day incidence of Covid-19 in Co Kildare stands at 138.4 cases per 100,000 of population, almost eight times the national average. Movement restrictions have been imposed in Co Kildare to try to control the spread of the disease, with significant clusters recorded at three meat factories.

The other two counties on which regional restrictions were imposed last Friday, Offaly and Laois, have 14-day incidences of 109 and 83.8 respectively.

The next highest incidence is in Co Clare, at 26.1, followed by Co Cavan (18.4) and Limerick, at 14.9.

The lowest figure provided is for Co Galway, which has eight new cases and an incidence rate of 3.1.