Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Vlad will save the world from this virus.


An island nation at the ends of earth in the middle of winter cant keep the virus out?? What the fuck are they playing at?


Comrade Putin saving the World again, just another day at the Kremlin


A bottle of vodka straight.


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Families are breaking up all over the place in New Zealand over this

I make it 31 deaths in Ireland from the virus in July, exactly 1 a day.

9 so far in August, making 0.9 a day. The level is dropping to very low levels.

The current “surge” began on Jul 31, 10 days ago with 85 cases. We should be seeing an upward trend in deaths now. However we aren’t. They are going down, in spite of cases increasing.

If this trend continues for, say, another three weeks, surely there is no justification for any further restrictions?


This is the issue with this virus, it has got back in everywhere that has tried to eradicate it. NZ are just fortunate that they have limited travel to there and the risk is smaller, so they can go for 100 days or whatever without community transmission. Eventually someone who has to travel overseas will bring it back and get through screening.

It is an unsustainable strategy without a vaccine, they may be fortunate that one comes available of course, but that’s down to factors outside of their control.


It’s very unlikely there will be a huge surge in deaths based on the specific clusters we’ve seen so far.

We are likely talking about similar levels to last month again and probably lower because at the start of last month the virus was still infecting medical professionals and likely at risk persons.

1,000 cases now is probably close to 100 cases in March time, and with less at risk people. Blanket testing is identifying lots of asymptomatic people that would never be identified in the community.



All people who would be killed by the virus in Ireland are dead. Nursing homes are cleared out.

Agree- age profile of new cases means hospital admissions should be at a minimum too.

He’s still kissing carpet under the bed until he has his lunch handed to him, with proof from Mammy it cost 9 Euro.

Grand so if there is not going to be a surge in deaths, what are we really guarding against?

Like, maintain restrictions on nursing homes, hospitals, allow (but not mandate) masks indoors, encourage distancing and hygiene and let people get on with their lives.

I think that’s why the rate in Monaghan is so low now.

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Take away the meat eaters and we’re doing fine. Around the 20-30 mark a day and little deaths.

From the virus? Have you a link to supporting evidence?

I’ve had Covid twice (last weekend and last December) and still agree with you.

You only have to get it another 198 times before you die from it.

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Excuse me, “attributed” to the virus