Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Ok guys - that’s enough now… we’re in this together.


Ah it’s a broad church and we need both. To be fair to Gavin he often introduces facts and stats that aren’t just handed to him on a press release and can offer an opinion too.

Some journalists these days do no news reporting - only opinion or “analysis” and I’m not sure that’s the healthiest

The heat has lads driven demented. One little spark and we’ll be off

I was probably harsh on him, think he does have good intentions tbf,

Throwing out those stats, just irked me.

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He is fierce enthusiastic alright

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He sure as shit loves his job, I’ll give him that. He has incredible energy and enthusiasm. Its endearing.

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He’s not the worst

He’s come a fair way from reading out tweets on Vinny’s show

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The cases are linked to the party in kilkee.

This is the craic now.

Which one?

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Aye. Sure one of the first principles of journalism is objectivity.

The Saturday night beach party with a dozen public order arrests.

Jaysus invest in a few of the cloth ones will ya. I’ve about 5 of them in different places and still managed to not have one on me at the weekend so had to wear one of those yokes they are shite.

Not being funny but there’s been several similar incidents in and around Galway City and no cases forthcoming

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I’ve no doubt but there does appear to be a little nore of the virus amongst the public for the last ten days.

The deaths in August or lack of same are a real positive though.

If you’re under 65 and in reasonable health, you’re ok…its obviously not on the lockdown crews radar, but its a fact, thankfully.


Agreed. Even if you are over 80 there it’s no guarantee it will kill you. I’ve two elderly aunts who have both survived. One was quiet unwell with pneumonia symptoms but didn’t end up in hospital. The other had no symptoms.


I would think the burden would be on the employer to show that an employee was required at workplace to do their duties