Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

My wifes grandmother is 85 and she has had my wife over to visit her in here own house every week throughout this whole thing since March, no problems.

Her view would be the same as mine, you got to take your chances in life - its as simple as that really. Proper 85 year old lady

Imperial college Neil lockdown ferguson has been
found out badly for being a lying cunt.

Realistically, are we we going to lie down under our beds until there’s a vaccine for 2 or 3 maybe 4 years, Its absolute insananity in my view.

Its a total cod lads, wake up.

Not to mention the 500 lives out of the 1700 hundred or souls that werent really covid deaths


Highly unlikely the population would take the status quo much beyond the new year.

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We’ve taken too much already.


I only need to wear one for the length of time it takes me to order (and pay for) a chicken fillet wrap. Stuff one into the arse pocket of every pair of jeans/non-O’Neills shorts I own (5) and I should constantly have one.

I’m not wearing any mask anyway, fuck them.

And fuck anyone who says a word to me in a shop. Honestly.

I dunno this has shown how stupid and easially manipulated irish people are. No wounder FFG keep getting votes.

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I don’t think the long term impacts should be underestimated. It isn’t a nice virus to get for quite a few people. There was long term damage to people with SARS 1, some of the impacts they’re seeing now tally with that.

That said it still appears to be rare and we can’t design public policy around the unknowns of the virus.

Is it equal to tearing up our whole lives @Tim_Riggins

I’m fairly sure, you know its not.

Schools have to open, what happened to countries getting on with things?

A little, the pubs thing mainly.


It’s about time you snapped out of your loyalty to FFG with the blackguarding they’ve done to Laois this weekend.

Its fucking serious.

It can’t be a permanent solution. But I don’t see what the issue is as a temporary one

Project Fear already being ramped up, Varadkar warning of clusters when the schools reopen.

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It’s not just Irish people. But we are putting up with a bit more than many.

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We’ve to wear a mask now to basically be a member of society. That’s an outrageous imposition on people. Not “wear it around vulnerable people” or “in crowded areas” but anywhere indoors. One of the most draconian rules ever in the history of our state.

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Its a complete cod.

We have gone backwards since people started wearing them.


What the irish media have failed to show is the protests against lockdiwn in Europe. France and Germany have had large marches in recent weeks. Only protests they will show here is GOD enough said there

Its a small thing mate, but, I’m not letting the cunts have it.

Its not enforced anyway in rural Co. Limerick shops where I am etc.

No it isn’t. Many countries require the same thing. It’s not that difficult, don’t be such an idiot.



