Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

A lot of yellow regs on the cork dublin Road today. Can we go back to blaming the brits?

The preoccupation with Sweden is because they dared to do things differently and decided a (20%) hit to their economy and the long term societal impact wasn’t justified. More people died of Covid in Madrid (and also likely London, Paris and Milan) than the whole of Sweden, yet apparently lockdowns worked in Spain, Italy, France and the UK.

Lads comparing countries because they are next to each other. Germany is next to France and has 1/5th the death rate, and France had one of the strictest lockdowns, you needed to sign an official government form to go to the shop. The virus oddly enough choose to ignore the signed piece of paper.


I actually think the preoccupation is that it was mentioned on Fox News a couple of times. Never mind that Trump had come out to abuse them himself, but if you cited Sweden, you were automatically alt right. :neutral_face:


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I see now shops are pushing you to use self service machines. 1 girl manning 5 machines. There’ll be no jobs left. Feel awful for families with kids starting in college this September. Very little chance of part time work with pubs and restaurants operating at such a low capacity. No night clubs either. Tough times ahead.

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There’ll be some craic when the house parties start in college court. The social media outrage will be a sight to behold.

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Not many are renting houses from I’ve heard. You’ll be there so little it’s hardly worth it. Those days are thankfully in my past as well.

92 new cases no deaths.

Is Ursula Stokes still around?

I dont like the comments coming from the cmo. He’s hinting very strongly at another lockdown of some sort on a national level.

Back under the bed paddy


Laois low again

Lockdown 2: Lock Harder.


Zero deaths.

Brendan on Facebook wants a full national lockdown. Complacency has crept in everywhere.


What did he say?

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The mood or cases?

5 times more people are dying of the flu and pneumonia than this cod. Ireland sleep walking in to their worst recession in history and thick cunts like Brendan want another lockdown

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That “cases weren’t just happening in Laois , Offaly and Kildare”. "This requires a team effort "