Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

As opposed to? :wink:


Two hypocritical pricks should be excommunicated

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Sweden have nearly more deaths in August than New Zealands overall total. If your prioritise your pocket over public health then you probably would cheerlead Sweden.

Ya the Swedes are poster boys for capitalism and poor public health


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Well they have 571 deaths per million for Covid, 100 for Denmark, 47 for Norway so they’re approach to Covid has been disasterous. Their own man admits he got it wrong.

Hold it off the fuck. I’m dropping the Mrs and child off there next weekend before retreating back over the border to North Tipp

For decades any lefty solution to any problem in oireland was “the Nordic model” .

Bit like “champions league format “

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Apart from the ‘paying tax’ component of the Nordic model


Mick was Texan taxes & Scandinavian services

Dan O’Brien telling people to come out from under the bed in todays Indo.


Doesn’t everyone?

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NZ’s strategy is not sustainable unless there’s a vaccine, that’s the reality.

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Nope. Their own man states they failed on care homes. That failure would have happened with a lockdown, as other countries showed.

No country has anywhere near top marks on this. Indeed the head of public health in Norway herself cautioned against triumphalism vs. Sweden as she said the strategy did not deviate all that much. She admitted mistakes and their Prime Minister also said they made decisions that were wrong and out of political fear (closure of schools).

Politicians might look great to you right now when they lock down, but triumphalism is a big mistake with this virus. NZ took a strategy that worked for themselves and their Prime Minister patted herself on the back when it looked to have worked first time out. She is now in danger of the situation slipping out of control (like Victoria) or at the very the least the confidence from the country being sucked out with new fear on the horizon.


I’m very confident history will judge Sweden’s considered, measured reaction in a very favourable light. They saw that there was a bigger picture. We’ve capsized our economy, our health service, our schools and our livelihoods for a virus that’s killing fewer than a person a day


I agree

Spot on

Well said

The reality is Sweden’s death profile is no different to Italy, Spain, the UK, Belgium, France, Netherlands, and Ireland and for exactly the same reason, failure to protect the elderly. 50% of deaths were in care homes, 90% of deaths were over 70, and 65% of deaths were over 80. They failed in exactly the same way all these other countries failed.

but but but, they never locked it down to fuck, they killed millions