Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from


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Did you drop out of the course ?

College court. Rave capital of Ireland.


Restaurants are bursting at the seams. Would you stop


I wouldn’t be so sure that the Paris lockdown is so strict. My mate runs a bistro there, he sent me a photo of of packed out outside, fuck all social distancing on the outside tables from what I could see. I dont know if they’re still doing that “shopping form” business.

Was the priest from Ballymun?

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Someone needs to stand up to him. 2nd national lockdown will be utter disaster. Sure if the first one didn’t fucking work! There’d be no plan whatsoever of how to get out of it!

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And SF need to stop opportunistically fucking about as well and say clearly that they will oppose any 2nd national lockdown. They’ve just been opposing amd criticing everything but not in any clear direction.

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We need to urgently lock down to save all those people that aren’t dying

I was out running in Phoenix Park earlier today. A tanned lad comes running up to me. He is spluttering and panting like a dog. I can see the spit flying from his mouth. Big red face on him. He starts talking to me, “Excuse me, do you know where-” and BANG, I put him down with a good straight right. We have to beat this virus, lock it down to fuck.


Incorrect. The majority of restaurants are operating at reduced Capacity. It’s probably over your head but most pubs/restaurants have tiny margins off profit so any sort of reduction in business is huge.

Costs aren’t coming down and you were always going to have an initial up take in bookings once things reopened but it give it a few weeks and that’ll die out.


An awful lot of places are being stung with “no shows” after people booking tables too.

I’ve been trying for years to get a booking in a tapas restaurant on Wexford Street called “Tapas de Lolas”. Every time I’ve ever called up they’ve told me that they’re booked out for two weeks in advance. I called last Wednesday and got a booking for the next night no problem. It turned out to be a serious disappointment, not even the best tapas restaurant in Dublin IMO.


Limerick has left the rest of us down badly here :relieved:

I’d imagine a lot of places will take a break for the winter. It simply won’t pay them to be open.

Restaurant down this way is fully booked up until next March. When they reopened full months of bookings were going within hours of them announcing availability for each month to the end of the year. Not all would be like that obviously, but anywhere with a bit of good quality and service will hopefully be able to survive OK.

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Sure lookit, don’t be using facts here. I’ve spoken to about 5 different restaurant owners in the last 2 weeks and they can barely handle the demand between sit ins and takeaways. The new restrictions mean more sittings and in all cases they have extra staff working too. Take away giving them fairly healthy margin too which is great for them to see.

No doubt some are suffering but it seems the majority are making the most of everyone being in Ireland and holidaying at home


Restaurants are closing all over the place mate.

Basically they opened up everything, sports events, pubs and nightclubs etc etc and bizarrely the Virus gains traction again…

They dropped their guard and hey presto shit hits fan.

Can lads actually just keep a distance from others, wear a fucking mask indoors and wash their hands regularly?