Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

It’s not much to ask to be fair.

It’s utterly bizarre.

You’ve flutes whinging here about masks and this is only a flu blah blah.

Take precautions and get the fuck on with things. Or, fuck off and emigrate.

The bitching is painful.

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If they’ve tiny margins of profit then they aren’t running it well and are most likely not viable in the first place. There are fairly standard industry norms for GM and wages.


Maori Mike has released his debut single. Great video.

You are a desperate fucking fool of a man, have you a family of your own at all?


These Twitter journos are some scourge. Sensationalising everything. Gives weak politicians no option but to be cautious for fear of I told you so mentality.


I’d rather have a few memories and a few stories to tell than save a few grand hiding under the bed.


Can you stop spouting this false claim that we’ve destroyed our Economy.

Certain sectors are struggling & in trouble, some are diversifying and holding their own while other sectors are buoyant to the degree that they are actively hiring.

You are consistently pedalling a viewpoint which is only seen from your eyes.

It’s actually bizarre that it’s driving you so demented.

Get busy living then ffs.

Your idea of living is having a fry at Heuston mate.


Maybe in Dublin they are. As the rich Dubs spend their money elsewhere the country trade is thriving. Even the shite places are full.

It’ll be the worst recession in the history of the state. There’ll be no 30 billion next year.

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Don’t even try TSG. He’s too simple to understand business operating at a reduced capacity.

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Is there anything in print to say their economy hasn’t taken a hit in basically the same manner as most Northern European nations who took different actions?

Germany and Spain reporting their highest cases since May. Its probably no coincidence this has all happened during/after the traditional European summer holidays.

Hopefully the systems are now in place to bring things under control once the movement of people settles down again…

Ha - I was about to mention Las Tapas De Lola. Our last night out before Covid kicked off and we were going to be in the area so I rang them earlier that day on the off chance they had a cancellation or that they could fit us in. The guy who answered basically laughed down the phone at me and gave me the same line about being booked out for weeks.

Now they’re on Twitter complaining about no shows and having to close at 11 and looking for government support.

My heart bleeds.


You seem to think that all restaurants are only making money from those who sit in. Take away was always a dirty word for good restaurants but the pandemic made it acceptable. More margin in take aways too. You’ve Michelin Star restaurants doing take away kebabs. The traditional method is dead and buried.


You’ve just confirmed my initial point. It’ll be impossible to get a part time job while pubs are closed and restaurants are operating at a reduced capacity/hours while super markets move more and more to self service machines.

City centre is decimated