Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

True just needed for the odd oul :dart: every now and then​:rofl:

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The financial collapse is coming though surely if this charade continues, it will actually be catastrophic potentially globally in 2021 for small and medium sized businesses.

Things are already drying up lads, Nphet and a few county council like TD’s have to be held to account on this.

Did they both have 2 pints in their hands?

Two yokes

Complete bullshit, they killed loads of people. It doesn’t have to be one extreme or the other.

How many will lockdown kill? How many will die from the isolation? The lack of cancer screening and other health services? What about the damage caused by kids missing school for 6 months? There’s a myriad of issues at play here

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Useless. Port house is miles better.

We’re not in lockdown. Kids are going back to school. Cancer screening should still be happening.

A heap of sectors are. My mother’s cancer screening was put back months.

There is a lot of misery out there. No point denying it.

€25m to lease City West till October. It seems like an awful lot of money for 6 months.

Lovely symmetry to the way the phone repair shops, the cash for gold shops, the fast food outlets and the derelict Georgian houses all interact with each other

I love Limerick… I really do… But fuck me the city centre is a shit hole

185 quid a room a night. With I assume no services

If it was full it would be something but is there anyone there

I flagged this a couple of weeks ago. Unsurprisingly, one of the men on the board of directors of the company running Citywest sits on the board of a few Denis O’Brien controlled companies.

I amn’t denying it. I’ve been quite critical of how our government have managed this pandemic in lots of ways. I think pubs should be open with restrictions and inspections, I think international travel should be open to safe countries and suspended with unsafe countries with lots of random testing. I think clear rules on mask wearing should have come in sooner and we should be far far better than we are at testing and contact tracing. Inspections of places of work like meat factories should have been stepped up ages ago and unsafe workplaces shut down.

It’s not a simple choice between lockdown or open up. That’s silly. It’s much more difficult than that.

Holding up Sweden as a model to follow is sick given how many people needlessly died there. A lot of people needlessly died in Ireland too due to our mismanagement of the crisis.

Whingeing about being sick of it at this stage I don’t want to wear a mask it’s all a cod open it up is pure nonsense. You’ve seen the scenes in Italy and New York and elsewhere when it gets out of hand. Like it or not that is still a prospect.

It’s difficult to do, and I don’t think we are doing it very well yet, but it’s clear we are going to have to live with restrictions for the foreseeable future. You may as well get used to it.


So people needlessly died everywhere (in some countries in much greater numbers than Sweden in spite of them having had severe lockdowns) yet using Sweden as an example is “sick”…

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You’ve become a very dislikeable chap

I don’t get what kind of point you’re trying to make here.

Sweden is 6th in the world for deaths per capita.

So yes, holding them up as an example to follow in how we should manage the pandemic is sick.

They made a balls of the care homes

Everywhere did. Some shocking stories from Australia now.

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Utterly. Borderline criminal.

Imagine being in one of them and the people in rooms either side of you dying and no family allowed come visit you, and then you’re dying too and you’re going to be on your own for it.

It’s heartbreaking.