Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

He’s a busted flush around here

Maybe you should stop thinking about me and what i’m thinking and concentrate on not telling lies.

Another fella concerned about me and what others think :laughing:

You Limerick lads are very insecure.

Who owns the city west?

Tetrarch Capital still?

I’ve no idea but they are making a fortune off the state

Once again the debate goes that way.

We are unable to take learnings from what they did apparently.

Worth watching both without the hysteria

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There will need to be an investigation into that deal and how the €25m fee was arrived at.

In particular when the hotel was going to be closed regardless for half the contract.


I just got payment from a client, a cheque for €500 in the post. I had to call him up and bollock him out of it, what the fuck are you at you dopey cunt, are you trying to kill me. We need to defeat this virus, lock it down to fuck.

Unreal … This time next year I hope to have my family and me living in Sweden for good.

Along with the hospital deal too. I say there is a lot of other deals we have paid OTT for. I past the Aviva yesterday on the dart. There still is a massive field hospital set up outside, empty and full manned by the defence forces.

That’s a test centre, it’s operational.

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My bad, it was empty none the less

They have loads of free stuff there

You can only test what shows up tbf

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It’s utopia for fellas on the dole

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I thought that was Ireland?

Spoken like a true Tory.

Fuck Tipp.