Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

They better not shut down Tipp because of this.

11 cases in the plant.

What’s the cut off point for closing down a county?

Depends if your county name includes the letters D U B L I N


Think that will have Tipp at around 9 (9.40) cases per 100k.

Assuming no other confirmed cases in Tipp.

National Average is 18

1 person had symptoms and tested positive.

They then tested 19 close contacts and found 10 more cases.

150 in total working there who will all now be tested.

I think we’re in trouble.

tenor (2)

I thought it was Cark not Tipp who were famous for the mushrooms?

Muldoons can’t be trusted. We need to shut down the other 31 countries. #keepdublinsafe

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0 deaths

67 cases

Question: am I right in thinking that in the UK the other 150 wouldn’t be tested because they aren’t displaying symptoms? And therefore any comparison between Ireland and the UK is utterly meaningless?

Although I did see that they had 300 cases in a sandwich factory… I dont really understand their test criteria.

5 cases in Limerick

9 in Clare.

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Shut them down

Why are the Zero Covid lot still getting airtime after their high profile poster boy had another failure?

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So, how many days of no deaths before the scare mongering stops?


I saw that earlier. They’ll get plenty of mileage out of zero covid because it will never happen.

It’s like they did all this PR stuff on Monday but only got round to releasing it now. The strategy has failed, zero Covid will not work as a policy now. Obviously we’d all love it, but we aren’t locking down for 6 more weeks to have another case in 10 weeks again.


Open up Tallaght Community Stadium ffs


Zero covid means Ireland becoming self sufficient, banning all inbound travel and basically getting under the bed.

Let’s do it.