Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Yeah that’s kind of my point as well.

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Wouldn’t it be gas craic

He really hasn’t been on pubs.

In terms of the Berlin Bar, both the patrons and the premises have had sufficient scoulding. Some perspective is required.

Yes the patrons behaved poorly, but don’t lose the run of yourself. Stephen Donnelly and Ronan Glynn hammering them one by one in public does little. Gen Zers know there is little risk to them, they aren’t actually idiots. They have been asked to shut down their lives for 6 months now. I know some people scoff and say, “all you had to do was watch Netflix and get €350” but it is much more than that. Aside from losing career opportunities, chances to travel and the ability to plan anything, they have lost social contact. Even during wars, hunger or repressive societal conditions, people crave for social contact. And no more so than teenagers and young adults, in the prime of their lives. Instead of basically calling them attempted murderers, Stephen Donnelly needs to simply explain the risks of it and why it was misguided behaviour. Emotive language is not the answer. It is almost Puritanism and will just drive it underground.

Which brings us to the next point, there have been numerous clusters from house parties and its well know there have been “unofficial” raves and the likes going on all summer. Wouldn’t it be better to encourage younger people into bars and pubs where there can be a degree of regulation? If there was an outbreak from Saturday’s antics, do you think it is better that the pub would have the contact details of these people or it happened in the Wicklow Mountains amongst random groups of friends? I am not naive enough to suggest that “opening the pubs” would solve this issue, there will be people looking for more than what a Covid compliant pub can offer, but lets not also pretend that this isn’t happening. We are currently driving groups of all ages to house parties.

In terms of this specific pub. The owner says it was twenty seconds of madness and put himself out there to be hit on the radio in fairness. He is ultimately responsible (and accepts that I believe). Punish the place in a proportionate manner, a heavy fine or whatever. The facts on pubs and individuals so far that there are few if any clusters from pubs and of the tiny % of regulation breaches, they are mostly for some of the nonsensical non scientific efforts the NPHET/Government have made to reinvent the wheel on alcohol.


Not a peep from the NPHET meeting. They were practically live tweeting the last few

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They must’ve found the mole


Rural or urban pub ??

The whole lot of them raging cases were down today. I’d say

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Ah look at Tim . I dont disagree with that post either. I do realise that everyone is in a different situation. I do also realise that I have been one of the lucky ones during the lockdown. I got my ailment sorted out very early and was able to recover without missing any work. It’s not that I dont appreciate that and my heart goes out to those people who in real term lifespans will be shortened due to lack of treatment during this whole episode.
In terms of what happened up in Dublin, whether it was 20 seconds, 20 minutes or two hours, is actually irrelevant. The twitter post provided the optics and it only needed that post to set the whole lot off again.
At the end of the day, the whole country is suffering from covid fatigue but whether we like it or not, everyone of us will have to make adjustments in our life.

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Dublin. Small enough place
Tough going on anyone owning a business that not able to open

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God ya .

I think they’re realised that public opinion has turned on them and they’re having to push forward their plans for dictatorship before it’s too late.

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No doubt the HSE will make a fuck of the coup.
“I’m not overthrowing the government, it’s not in my job spec. I want to speak to my Union rep”


Lads worried about pubs. Unfortunately in the overall scheme of things, despite the hardship for owners, staff and older customers, they’re lower priority.

Schools is where it’s at - I’d say it’s touch and go about their reopening early Sep at this stage

The schools are planning and emailing parents. We’re going back for 3 hours for the first 2 weeks and then full days.

That’s true but it doesn’t mean what’s happened is fair. They opened gastro pubs and without any scientific evidence kept “wet” pubs closed.


The two are not connected. That’s like the nonsense argument that we can’t afford elephants because we have to build hospitals.

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The words of a tyrant should be taken with a pinch of salt.


Any teacher with a sniffle not being allowed into school means most schools will be lucky to for each class to only miss a day or two a year. Same with student. One is getting a test? Shut the class. One is positive shut the school. They’ll have to send out a text update every morning to say whether they are open or not.

The only way schools can reopen is if the government just say have at it within reason. All the rest is just for pretending. They’ll have to just let it off eventually anyway. May as well start as they mean to continue

Beautiful analogy I’m robbing that

Other countries have worked this out already, why haven’t we?

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