Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

That is why I never did, it was you that was dealing in absolute terms with your original post of usual nonsense. If you crept out from under the bed you would find that the couple I mentioned are by no means unusual though in terms of how badly affected they have been and it is desperately sad to see it.

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I’ll fight you.

My father is widowed, mate.

He misses his freedoms but is grateful he is in the full of his health. He is lucky I live locally and looked after him in early days of lockdown.
Once things improved he was able to visit his grandchildren & these days is going to town doing his bits & bobs.

He goes to his usual haunt for a Toasted sandwich & a couple of pints. Gets his taxi home afterwards.
It’s not a utopia but he’s getting on with things.

My clear point is while there are those suffering this year with the effects of COVID19 there are many getting on with life without the constant daily bitching & moaning.


So he’s luckier than some then.

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He is.

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So in short, I’m in a grand situation so can everyone else just suck it up and those that are suffering because of the measures that are currently there, not because of the virus remember, well they should be happy to sacrifice themselves.

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I’m grand as in my Dad is alive?

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Kilkee anyone? We can get the lads from Berlin to do the bar

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We’ll have a vaccine… It will be a year or so.

Wow. Ok.

Delighted your Dad is alive and that things aren’t too bad for him. If he was living in a rural area that the local hadn’t reopened and his outlets were no longer available and he didn’t have you to look after him because you had maybe moved away and he started to display the symptoms that @Halfpipe described so well above I just wonder would you have a different take on it.


Lot of lads content to gang up on @carryharry here. Whether you agree with him or not , he has been remarkably consistent with his take on the whole thing. I agree with him on some stuff and dont agree with him on other stuff. But I dont see a whole lot of criticism for what those bints in that bar up in Dublin did over the weekend. Its behaviour lime that which will ensure that measures will stay in place for the mid term at least.

It’s nothing to do with consistency mike. The crux of his argument is because I’m fine and my family are fine everyone should go a long with the restrictions. He hasn’t once acknowledged people’s life’s have been destroyed by the restrictions.

People have the right to be very very angry over the whole thing.

Humans by their nature are inquisitive. It’s really important people continue to question the government and the medical experts otherwise who knows where we’d end up.

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Of course I would mate. But, my point is not everyone is living in the depths of despair either.

Lads are screaming Operation Fear from Government etc but have no issues promoting a bit of Fear themselves.

Those cunts in Dublin should be burnt out of it. Cunts like that are fucking it up for the entire industry.

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Is Maori Mike ok or has he gone full Howard Hughes

:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

More like Lord Lucan I’d say

The COVID got him

No need to get personal mate