Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

By God.

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No one knows. Their is no roadmap here. That’s the problem. You have to just feel your way through.

Health officials have been ultra cautious because they fear repercussions following their complete mismanagement of the early stages.

Agreed with that, meat plants being the obvious example and I don’t see why properly monitored pubs can’t be allowed to open. However, choices need to be made between potential sources of cases.

Are you surprised? Do you see much evidence of balls-out decision making from your fellow civil servants day to day?

The same people bemoaning their caution now would castigate them if they got the call wrong.


Not opening is doing more damage by the looks of things. Check the figures if you win’t take my word for it. Singling out one subsector as the fault of virus overload is a bit of a strech especially when you consider their doors have been closed since March

I’m just concerned for my kids mate. They have been off a long time and it isn’t good for them. We are social creatures

I could be wrong but we are over-cautious compared to other countries, and we need a balance


I think pubs should be opened. I’m just pointing out that there is a connection between the opening of schools, pubs or anywhere else.


Its fascinating that so many keep describing pubs as the overarching problem when their doors are shut since March 15th. You’d swear there was some overarching agendas at work or something

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It must be very hard for the Dublin kids especially

Off school and not able to go to the pub with mam and dad all day Sunday


I’m from Fingal

Ye… Dublin

They’ll find another excuse if not the schools, other forces at work here and none of it to do with Covid. Cashing in on Covid is another story

It’s ok, they’re reintroducing " bring your kid to work day"

What do you think is really going on?

You’d nearly swear it was an attempt at that wumming phenomonom or something. Imagine that. On TFK of all places

County Fingal

Never hurd of it

JJ’s got skills