Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

They already got it wrong is the point.

The dig at civil servants is pretty.

I suppose all the countries that managed this better than us and have travel and schools organised already mustn’t have civil servants.

Schools just have to open. We eventually got our fellow into school for July provision, not his own school (which didn’t end up running it) but the school where he had done his pre-school year, so it was comfortable and familiar enough to him. Instant improvement in his behaviour, his anxiety and happiness levels once he was back in and most of the regressions of the past few months stopped. He had four weeks of school, then a week of an autism summer camp. Last week and a half since all that finished have been tough, but we were braced for that as the second half of August is always tough every year. Not going back to school on 31 August is just unthinkable. If it does happen, I’m strongly minded to bring a constitutional challenge over the right of a child to an education.


And you’d be dead right to, mate.

Sincerely wish you and your family the best of luck.

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Best of luck. Is he going back to the original school now next week?

Good on you


Girl on liveline today. Going into sending year in Athlone IT, no underlying conditions. Crying in case by going to college she gives virus to family. Hasn’t been sleeping.
Katie Hannan says would it make you happy if they go online for the semester, your one brightens and goes yes! yes! Like this will only entrench her ott anxiety. It’s not going to magic away and she’s doing social care so you’d imagine there’s placements.
At the end Athlone says they will make arrangements for any students who are vulnerable… This girl is not vulnerable. She was v strident then for someone so overwhelmed ‘When are they contacting me, when are they contacting me.’

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Joe Duffy sickens my shit. It’s just complete scare mongering giving these people a voice.

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Yes. As things stand it’s his normal school he’s back to but this is very much getting teed up for schools not re-opening or a staggered re-opening. There’s only 6 kids, teacher and 3 SNA’s in the autism unit and kids with autism are solitary creatures anyway and generally like to keep to themselves and do their own thing.


It’s terrible for normal kids who would be starting college this year. Basically delaying the next stage of their lives

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Would the teachers in the autism unit have different qualifications to a traditional teacher? They must be brilliant at what they do

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They’d be qualified mainstream teachers but would have additional courses and experience of working with special needs kids.


And clearly a passion and motivation for working with kids.

My daughter had an absolutely brilliant girl looking after her in creche, who then qualified to teach her in preschool and is now finished her Hibernia training. I just hope she will get to teach her in national school soon.

This girl went above and beyond every day. Their was a boy in my daughters class who is non verbal… She put dozens and dozens of hours into him in creche and preschool, taught the rest of the class basic sign language (which she had to learn herself first) and nurtured this young lads confidence enough that he is going into first class in a few weeks without ever speaking

And probably has never earned much more than the minimum wage for her efforts. But she doesn’t care about that


Indo leading with a story about Nphet being challenged by government.

Obviously the sight of a pair of balls in the Tipperary intermediate championship has inspired the ministers.


Fucking teachers … their attitude stinks.


The country is economically devastated, I got a train to Limerick last night. Its truly frightening what I witnessed. About 1 in ten places open in Limerick and Dublin city centres. No tourism whatsoever. I could see the fear and anger in peoples eyes around the city centres. I Believe unemployment is at 17 per cent now, is that right? that will double soon. The lockdown crew waffling about EU bailouts, what have they planned? five hundred billion or something of rescue plan, ffs Rishi Sunak has spent twice that already on the mainland trying to keep the ship above water, thats just one country

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From this mornings Indo

Older people will be told to limit time outdoors and family gatherings to be reduced to six to try to stall resurgence of Covid-19

But ministers say Nphet ‘out of kilter’ with other European nations

As a result, older people will be asked to restrict their movements and avoid congregated settings under new advice from public-health experts.

Nphet has also recommended that only six people should be permitted in a home from three separate houses in a bid to clamp down on house parties and outdoor home gathering should be reduced to 15 people.

People who can work from home will also be asked to do so for the coming weeks. The Cabinet will meet to discuss the recommendations today.

Meanwhile, there are serious concerns in Fine Gael over the severity of Covid-19 restrictions being recommended by Nphet.

Cabinet ministers are becoming increasingly frustrated with Nphet advice on the pandemic as they believe it is out of kilter with advice being put forward by public-health experts in other EU countries. Increasing frustration over Covid-19 restrictions is expected to play out when the Cabinet meets today. Fine Gael ministers are expected to push for less restrictive measures despite the increase in new cases.

A Cabinet source said there were concerns at the highest ranks of Cabinet that Nphet had “departed from the European mainstream in the severity of their advice” as they are “under pressure from academic commentators as opposed to solid science”.

“Many countries have similar incidence or much higher incidence of Covid to Ireland and have schools open and bars open, international travel within Europe is allowed, as are gatherings of up to 5,000 people,” the source said.

The senior minister also raised concerns about the interaction between Government and Nphet since Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan and was replaced by Dr Ronan Glynn.

“When Tony was there none of the letters were written without been discussed or agreed with government first,” the source added.

Another Cabinet source said a split had emerged in Nphet over the strictness of recommendations being put forward for Government to rule on. The Cabinet will meet for the first-time in two weeks today to discuss the latest round of advice from the public-health experts with new cases of the coronavirus continuing to mount up in recent days.

The last two major decisions on Covid were taken through incorporeal cabinet meetings were ministers are called and asked to agree to a memo.

Today’s Cabinet meeting was scheduled late on Monday after Nphet informed Health Minister Stephen Donnelly of their latest round of advice. Only a Cabinet sub-committee meeting had been organised for this morning until the advice was received.

Nphet was asked by the Government to hold an emergency meeting yesterday after more than 200 new cases were recorded on Saturday. The new recommendations are aimed at stamping down on house parties, protecting older people and lessening the number of people travelling to work who don’t need to.

Despite growing public concern over the rise in new cases, Nphet did not hold a press conference after their meeting and the Department of Health said they would not be informing the public of the advice until today at the earliest. It comes as the number of patients hospitalised with Covid-19 has risen, stoking new fears that the upsurge in infection is leading to an increase in serious illness.

There were 21 confirmed cases in hospital yesterday morning, up from 13 at the weekend and eight of these patients were in intensive care.

The trend in patients hospitalised with the virus over three days is the highest rise since mid-June.

Our political masters have found their bollocks?

Bailout? Mickey went over cap in hand and gave them €16 billion

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FG giving out about Nphet exceeding their brief is like Dr Frankenstein giving out about the 8 foot creature on the loose.


They’re just realizing now that the average person is gonna hold them accountable, not the medical zealots that they allowed run things…

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