Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Can businesses currently open stay open? Specifically the gym? There’s been no cases traced back to them so I assume they were high on NPHET’s list of things that need to close


A fine woman

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SF support the new powers and measures.

Fuck those cunts.

I have an announcement … I WILL BE STANDING FOR ELECTION.

I have decided this within the last 20 seconds.


Stay open but only six in a class

Not viable

Louise O’Reilly hitting the nail on the head here Rte news.

At this stage it is absolutely ridiculous we can’t test, result & begin rigorous contact tracing in 24hrs.

As things stand this evening, the may as well as called another Nationwide lockdown.

Not even a folksy tweet from Simon Harris can turn this around.


Only black mark is shes from Tipp

I dont like what she was saying but she’s a very good speaker, better than Mary Lou maybe.

I think it’s time you quit the no cases traced back to pubs or gyms etc.

It’s becoming apparent that contact tracing is not happening in this Country.

Thank christ I don’t live in this cod of a country


You appreciate this means that we can never ease this lockdown because its been proven that therell be an increase in cases? It’s like we’re stuck in a bad hand of poker where the stakes have gotten too big to walk away.

Would you give a lad a start if he moved to London to get away from all this?


Problem is you cant keep raising the stakes cos eventually someone will call your bluff

SF were so under the bed at the start of all this that changing now would be a massive backtrack

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Tayto Park and Clara Lara will remain open with a thousand or more odd people in them in close proximity. Meanwhile people won’t be allowed stand outside in a field to watch a game. This is hilarious at this stage.


Of course, no right thinking person could stick it here.

I’m going on what I hear and read.

We know there have been hundreds of cases traced to meat factories and the like, but nothing seems to be being done there.

I’d nearly have more respect for them if they just closed the whole fucking country again at this stage.

Work from home for the foreseeable is the only chink of light. Microsoft Teams on the phone is a god send. Rising walls in the bull field and attending a webinars at the same time.


I’ve just read that I can run in as many constituencies that I want, I dont need to live there and it costs only €500 per constituency. I might run in every constituency in the country.

Now I need to find out how to register an “End the lockdown” party. I need to get ready now because there’ll probably be a GE next week.

Does anyone know about registering a political party?