Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Michael O’Leary doesn’t fly to Brazil or America

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It was a general point about govt being influenced by uninformed clowns like O’Leary who only have interest in their own pocket.

Unlikely I’m going to find any now

The situation is fluid.

They run a barber shop and put a post on Facebook outlining their version of events, that’s where the articles were generated from.

Thank fuck some posters could quickly bring evidence of that family’s nationality to the fore or else Batigol would’ve been branded a racist and some fucking headcase would’ve been in touch with his employers by the end of the day.


You could see him getting his dander up, all ready to virtue signal, be an awful let down for him. He’ll probably go off at some member of the public today for some imagined micro aggression to just get it out of him


Defund the airports


Black Boxes aren’t even Black

“safe” would be an interesting definition. Also, does it change so you book Portugal and a week later its no longer safe - what happens then?

I think the issue of interconnecting flights is a challenge too - If I come off a plane from a “Safe” country who knows where I flew from before.

There really shouldnt be travel outside the EEC… shur they’re in talks every other day and know what’s going on among the bloc. Travel to and from outside that makes no sense.

The numbers this evening will be very interesting. There’s been a bit of mild panic over yesterday’s numbers. Another rise today and there will be a lot of talk of close the pubs, close the hairdressers and lock yourself indoors, going about.

They might say theres going to be a lockdown but there won’t be. People are done. There’ll be no more lockdown, not at the scale of the last time anyway. Unless they physically enforce it

You had 1 case in Limerick and 1 in Cork … you cant go locking the place down for that.

They should have locked down Dublin and Cork first day and let the rest of the country get on with it.

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It should be done on a county or regional basis. Restrictions from high level areas to low level.

Indeed … shur for the last few weeks of lockdown it was nearly all Dublin and a bit of Cavan / Monaghan

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Impossible to enforce. Sure if they lockdown dublin there would be a mass exodus out to surrounding counties

Yes to the first question, that’s what most of Europe is already doing. People on connecting flights should not be hard to identify. The rest of Europe is already doing this for some reason we are out on our own here.

They could just close all the businesses they reopened over last few weeks I suppose