Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

You should write to the multiple news outlets that called them Iraqi nationals and an Iraqi family living in Sligo … we cant have them making this horrible mistake.

Was that reported? Oooft for glad if so. That seems an awful breach of privacy. The family should certainly complain to the press ombudsman or whatever you complain to about newspapers.

Yes — They were getting a lot of racial abuse after they were outed as carriers of this lethal virus.

Reporting someone’s nationality is a breach of privacy?

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The towel around his head, camel hair between his legs and sand between his toes more or less gave his nationality away anyway … Be like you rocking up with a Guinness and pack of tayto and saying you’re Swiss … hahahahahaha

Disgusting post

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You’re saying you dont ate Tayto?

Because it was in the news reports

@glasagusban has made some show of himself here

An awful clamping for glas here. Hard to see a way back for him.

A family member willingly spoke to the press and divulged a lot of information. He obviously felt it necessary in order to stem the racist abuse they were getting.

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Hard to believe they’d get racist abuse during this time of crisis. There’s a lot of fear around.

People from Connaught are inherently backwards and racist

That makes it ok so?


It’s strange given how they were all refugees from Ulster themselves after they ran from Cromwell.

Instead of the government and so called experts vilifying the public for having a beer outside after months of being locked up with the virus suppressed, would they not have been better sorting out and issuing the green list of countries. Issue that and enforce compulsory quarantine from the rest. How the fuck they’re allowing flights land from rampant places like the states is beyond me. What is taking them, not being issued until next week. Would take you a half hour to look it up online where is ok and where it’s not.


Very few cases have come from people interacting outside — there’s something very weird with this virus that it doesnt spread outdoors — yu’d nearly need to spit in someone’s gob… Very few supermarket workers have contracted it also… again, indoors, but it a big spaces… it doesnt live on surfaces like we were first told either - it has a very short life span on any surface. it’s really about being in a small space for a prolonged period - if people can avoid that or use masks when they have to, it should be all good.


The biggest basket case is our nearest neighbours and the GFA means there’s very little we can do about them. Having said that they shouldn’t be letting any one in from the US or Brazil or other known hot spots. After all the sacrifice made during the lockdown and they’re allowing people in and just giving them a leaflet. Michael O’Leary and clowns like him are forcing their hand. Spineless from the govt.

