Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

On the plus side. The mid day naps can continue :ronnyroar:

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I’m suggesting that if you’re so hot about something, do something about it. Don’t project your fears and worries out there with one side of your face and claim oh but mental health on the other.

Deal with your own shit

Martin in his myopic desire for the throne now finds himself captaining a team of total fuckwits. When you’re surrounded with the likes of Donnelly (a nomadic opportunist) Foley (just up from Junior B) Jack Chambers and the rest of the assorted raft of dunces you know you’re fucked. He should of course let Leo’s army carry the hot spuds for the 2.5 years but no, Taoiseach or bust. I’ve called him as toast as far back as the week before the election here locally and it’s slowly dawning on them.


It was very important to have a Cork taoiseach


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I cant quite figure out if Leo is laughing his hole off or not.

I never mentioned depression mate. But I would think there are a lot of older people who have been scared to death and will have their lives shortened by this without catching anything.

I just think the whole things a massive overreaction, and we are so far into it at this stage that people are afraid to admit they’ve made a bollox of it.

Not saying it was nothing, or that they weren’t right to be cautious, or that sensible precautions shouldn’t continue, but I mean what are we fucking doing at this stage? Doubling down on a complete over reaction, just because.

We are going to look back on this and wonder what in the name of fuck were we at


He’s distancing himself from Martin already. He’s going to need a hernia op he’s laughing so much

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It was very important that a ff leader didn’t retire without being Taoiseach

You may need to explain round here that she leads cork gaa

The Government is fucked, or more precisely the FF element is fucked. The coalition is a farce, all 3 parties acting like the others don’t exist.

Today will be a turning point, the goodwill is gone and I think the hard questions around testing and tracing will finally be asked.


Never, ever thought I’d live long enough to see a worse Taoiseach than Brian Cowen but, incredibly, Micheal Martin has managed it in the space of two months.

This is Fianna Fáil, the masters of spin, back stabbing, cute hoorism and brass neck. He has managed to get almost every decision wrong since he took over. That’s some feat. They are lurching from one disaster to another, daily.

There’s clearly been a big row with Varadkar. No FG Minister at the press conference a big hint. The leaks seem to suggest there was a row between the pair of them at the cabinet meeting. Varadkar may be many things - a cunt among them - but he knows how to play the media game. Expect plenty of carefully placed leaks in the next few days about what went on.

I’d love another election. Fair play to Alan Kelly for calling out the ridiculous nature of the ban on those at outdoor matches. Not a fan of his but he seems to be some bit intelligent and has a modicum of cop on.


You weren’t talking globally. As you well know. Or should we lockdown because there’s bad Dengue fever about in the rift valley?

He doesn’t give a fuck about them. They are foreigners

Are you saying the virus is more or less lethal depending on geographic location?


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So the restrictions are necessary then, and working

There’s continual fucking whinging from lads about this lad or that wan down the road. Does anyone get up off their hole and call into them?

I’m not disputing the over-reaction part either but lads adopting other people’s pain as their own makes me want to gawk


Nail. On. The. Fucking. Head.

(My Mitchelstown buddies aside)

Let me explain it slowly.
Actually I can’t be bothered.