Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

My daughter has a cough with the last two weeks. She doesn’t have Covid I’d be 99% certain. Not a fucking hope will she be left into the school next week and rightly so :sob:

Top shelf will be raided that night :pint:

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Would you not get her tested?

Doctor didn’t want to. It’s an invasive enough test and he reckoned wouldn’t put child through it uneccesarily… We hoped cough would go… Will have to get her tested in next few days alright now though

I still think they wont let her into the class even with a negative result


Ye’ll prolly have no choice

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Watching Prime Time back here. Who’s the lad interviewing Donnelly?

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No idea. He is doing a good job anyway

All they have to do is say they’re sending in the auditors and that request for evidence will disappear fast enough

The complaints are mostly self-serving, lads who want their pints and their hols and their music festivals or whatever else. Then a straw man thrown in about poor Johnny with the mental health problems.

Notwithstanding the latest guidelines are ridiculous


Not a pleasent situation to find yourself in. Give her my love :+1:


Shes probably better off at home with an auld cough mate.

The person holding your head to the screen and making you post 100 times must be a real sadist altogether


Dear lord

He is. He’s me.

Any of the regulars here are sadists. Once every 99 heated arguments a proper discussion breaks out

Kildare GP on Newstal this evening said he’s dealing with a huge spike in anxiety and depression. Is he just looking for a pint?


Do you think if everyone is bitching and moaning about everything constantly it will alleviate depression?

Cheers pal

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Probably. But she needs to go back to school as well

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Are you suggesting the bottle it up and smile method? Very old school

Are you truly and deeply concerned for them? Or would you just like a pint?